Commit a9c06bba authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

revisionstorage updated to pass tests

"put" and "post" improved to update a document with its revision history
jio.put({"_id": "mydoc", "_revs": ["2-second", "1-first"]}, callback);
revs_info will be [{
  "rev": "2-second",
  "status": "available"
}, {
  "rev": "1-first",
  "status": "missing"
parent 5b2ca145
......@@ -210,6 +210,48 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
return result;
* Add a document revision branch to the document tree
* @method updateDocumentTree
* @param {object} doctree The document tree object
* @param {array} revs The revisions array
* @param {boolean} deleted The deleted flag
* @param {array} The document revs_info
priv.updateDocumentTree = function (doctree, revs, deleted) {
var revs_info, doctree_iterator, flag;
revs_info = [];
revs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(revs));
doctree_iterator = doctree;
while (revs.length > 0) {
var i, rev = revs.pop(0);
"rev": rev,
"status": "missing"
for (i = 0; i < doctree_iterator.children.length; i += 1) {
if (doctree_iterator.children[i].rev === rev) {
doctree_iterator = doctree_iterator.children[i];
revs_info[0].status = doctree_iterator.status;
rev = undefined;
if (rev) {
"rev": rev,
"status": "missing",
"children": []
doctree_iterator = doctree_iterator.children[0];
flag = deleted === true ? "deleted" : "available";
revs_info[0].status = flag;
doctree_iterator.status = flag;
return revs_info;
* Add a document revision to the document tree
* @method postToDocumentTree
......@@ -472,9 +514,14 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
f.postDocument = function (doctree_update_method) {
revs_info = priv.postToDocumentTree(doctree, doc);
if (doc._revs) {
revs_info = priv.updateDocumentTree(doctree, doc._revs);
} else {
revs_info = priv.postToDocumentTree(doctree, doc);
doc._id = docid + "." + revs_info[0].rev;
delete doc._rev;
delete doc._revs;
......@@ -530,7 +577,8 @@ jIO.addStorageType('revision', function (spec, my) {
* @param {object} command The JIO command
that.put = function (command) {
if (command.cloneDoc()._rev === undefined) {
var doc = command.cloneDoc();
if (doc._rev === undefined && doc._revs === undefined) {
priv.update_doctree_allowed = false;
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