• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    gitlab: Wait a bit for PostgreSQL to be ready in Unicorn startup · 949e55e2
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    As it was outlined in 5a744de7 (gitlab: Compile assets on instantiation
    and make sure DB is properly setup/migrated before unicorn runs) we are
    performing DB initialization and migration in pre-action as part of
    unicorn startup script. But that currently has one drawback:
        if all services start at the same time - e.g. both PostgreSQL and
        Unicorn - and that is a common scenario when SR is compiled and
        instantiated / started, PostgreSQL is usually not yet ready to
        process queries from Unicorn startup script, and first-time Unicorn
        startup fails.
    Until now this problem was workarounded by manually starting unicorn
    second time - after some time postgresql is started and ready. But why
    do it manually, if we can do the same logic automatically. So fix it:
        in Unicorn startup script wait a bit (up to 5 seconds) for
        PostgreSQL to become ready.
    /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
software.cfg 7.68 KB