Commit b3c58f18 authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari Committed by Ayush Tiwari

Products.ERP5Catalog: EPR5-ify catalog.

Move from SQLCatalog to ERP5Catalog as the default Catalog inside ERP5.
The major difference is use of Products.ERP5Type.Core.Folder as Catalog
base class.

Significant addition/changes in

  ERP5Catalog class:
    Inherit from Catalog class from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog instead of copy-pasting the whole code again.
    Monkey patch some property setters and getters to maintain consistency
    Override getCatalogMethodIds cause it uses global variable in SQLCatalog.Catalog
    Add FilterDict and Filter class to have consistency with `filter_dict` attribute of SQLCatalog

    Update BusinessTemplate installation with updated filter_dict
    Also, use dynamic migration while installing the catalog method objects for
    bt5. This way we have SQL Methods migrated just after installation.

    Update tests according to changes in portal_catalog

  SQLCatalog, testZSQLCatalog:
    Cleanup for unusable functions
parent 6f29c8b8
......@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@ SEPARATELY_EXPORTED_PROPERTY_DICT = {
def _getCatalog(acquisition_context):
Return the id of the SQLCatalog which correspond to the current BT.
Return the id of the Catalog which correspond to the current BT.
catalog_method_id_list = acquisition_context.getTemplateCatalogMethodIdList()
if len(catalog_method_id_list) == 0:
return acquisition_context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog.objectIds('SQLCatalog')[0]
return acquisition_context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog.objectIds()[0]
except IndexError:
return None
catalog_method_id = catalog_method_id_list[0]
......@@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
# an object which cannot (e.g. External Method).
LOG('BusinessTemplate', WARNING,
'could not restore %r in %r' % (subobject_id, obj))
if obj.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method',):
if obj.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method', 'ERP5 SQL Method'):
fixZSQLMethod(portal, obj)
# portal transforms specific initialization
elif obj.meta_type in ('Transform', 'TransformsChain'):
......@@ -1951,7 +1951,7 @@ class SkinTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
if not force and update_dict.get(relative_url) == 'nothing':
folder = self.unrestrictedResolveValue(p, relative_url)
for obj in folder.objectValues(spec=('Z SQL Method',)):
for obj in folder.objectValues(spec=('Z SQL Method', 'ERP5 SQL Method')):
fixZSQLMethod(p, obj)
if folder.aq_parent.meta_type == 'CMF Skins Tool':
registerSkinFolder(skin_tool, folder)
......@@ -2891,14 +2891,23 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
"""Extracts properties for a given method in the catalog.
Returns a mapping of property name -> boolean """
method_properties = PersistentMapping()
for prop in catalog._properties:
property_list = list(catalog._properties)
if catalog.meta_type == 'ERP5 Catalog':
property_list = list(catalog.propertyMap())
for prop in property_list:
if prop.get('select_variable') == 'getCatalogMethodIds':
# In case the properties are defined via property sheet 'Catalog', the
# object would have two IDs if it is of type 'selection' or
# 'multiple_selection': 'id' and 'base_id', usage of base_id is preferred
# while building objects as it maintains consistency between the old
# catalog and new erp5 catalog
prop_id = prop.get('base_id', prop['id'])
if prop['type'] == 'selection' and \
getattr(catalog, prop['id']) == method_id:
method_properties[prop['id']] = 1
getattr(catalog, prop_id) == method_id:
method_properties[prop_id] = 1
elif prop['type'] == 'multiple selection' and \
method_id in getattr(catalog, prop['id']):
method_properties[prop['id']] = 1
method_id in getattr(catalog, prop_id):
method_properties[prop_id] = 1
return method_properties
def build(self, context, **kw):
......@@ -2917,7 +2926,8 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
method_id =
self._method_properties[method_id] = self._extractMethodProperties(
catalog, method_id)
filter = catalog.filter_dict.get(method_id, {})
filter_dict = catalog._getFilterDict()
filter = filter_dict.get(method_id, {})
self._is_filtered_archive[method_id] = filter.get('filtered', 0)
for method in catalog_method_filter_list:
property = method[8:-8]
......@@ -2983,6 +2993,32 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
force = kw.get('force')
values = []
# When the default catalog is of 'ERP5 Catalog' meta_type, its better to ..
# convert all the CatalogMethodTemplateItems in the current BT to the
# allowed types for ERP5 Catalog, i.e, to ERP5 SQLMethod and ERP5 Python Script
# and update the self._objects dict accordingly
if catalog.meta_type == 'ERP5 Catalog':
import erp5
from Products.ERP5.Extensions.CheckPortalTypes import changeObjectClass
# We need the dynamic portal_type classes for changing object classes
sql_class = getattr(erp5.portal_type, 'SQL Method')
script_class = getattr(erp5.portal_type, 'Python Script')
portal = self.getPortalObject()
# Will be modifying dict, so better to use .items()
# XXX: In python3 it should be .copy.items().
for path, obj in self._objects.items():
method = self.unrestrictedResolveValue(portal, path)
method_id = path.split('/')[-1]
if method.meta_type == 'Z SQL Method':
method = changeObjectClass(catalog, method_id, sql_class)
if method.meta_type == 'Script (Python)':
method = changeObjectClass(catalog, method_id, script_class)
new_obj = method.aq_base
self._objects[path] = new_obj
if force: # get all objects
values = self._objects.values()
else: # get only selected object
......@@ -3009,6 +3045,8 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
setattr(catalog, key, tuple(new_value))
filter_dict = catalog._getFilterDict()
# Restore filter
if self._is_filtered_archive.get(method_id, 0):
expression = self._filter_expression_archive[method_id]
......@@ -3017,16 +3055,15 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
expr_instance = Expression(expression)
expr_instance = None
catalog.filter_dict[method_id] = PersistentMapping()
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 1
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression'] = expression
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_cache_key'] = \
filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 1
filter_dict[method_id]['expression'] = expression
filter_dict[method_id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
filter_dict[method_id]['expression_cache_key'] = \
self._filter_expression_cache_key_archive.get(method_id, ())
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['type'] = \
filter_dict[method_id]['type'] = \
self._filter_type_archive.get(method_id, ())
elif method_id in catalog.filter_dict.keys():
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 0
elif method_id in filter_dict.keys():
filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 0
# backward compatibility
if hasattr(self, '_is_catalog_list_method_archive'):
......@@ -3082,18 +3119,30 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
for obj in values:
method_id =
property_list = list(catalog._properties)
if catalog.meta_type == 'ERP5 Catalog':
property_list = list(catalog.propertyMap())
# remove method references in portal_catalog
for catalog_prop in catalog._properties:
for catalog_prop in property_list:
if catalog_prop.get('select_variable') == 'getCatalogMethodIds'\
and catalog_prop['type'] == 'multiple selection':
old_value = getattr(catalog, catalog_prop['id'], ())
# In case the properties are defined via property sheet 'Catalog', the
# object would have two IDs if it is of type 'selection' or
# 'multiple_selection': 'id' and 'base_id', usage of base_id is preferred
# while building objects as it maintains consistency between the old
# catalog and new erp5 catalog
catalog_prop_id = catalog_prop.get('base_id', catalog_prop['id'])
old_value = getattr(catalog, catalog_prop_id, ())
if method_id in old_value:
new_value = list(old_value)
setattr(catalog, catalog_prop['id'], new_value)
# Better to set the attribute value as tuple as it would be consistent
# with both SQL Catalog and ERP5 Catalog.
setattr(catalog, catalog_prop_id, tuple(new_value))
if method_id in catalog.filter_dict:
del catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
filter_dict = catalog._getFilterDict()
if method_id in filter_dict:
del filter_dict[method_id]
# uninstall objects
ObjectTemplateItem.uninstall(self, context, **kw)
......@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
catalog.sql_uncatalog_object = tuple(sql_uncatalog_object)
if method_id in catalog.filter_dict:
del catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
if method_id in catalog._getFilterDict():
del catalog._getFilterDict()[method_id]
for obj_id in ('another_file', 'test_document', 'dummy_type_provider'):
if obj_id in self.portal.objectIds():
......@@ -1585,9 +1585,9 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
catalog = pc.getSQLCatalog()
self.assertTrue(catalog is not None)
method_id = "z_fake_method"
addSQLMethod = catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod
addSQLMethod(id=method_id, title='', connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
arguments='', template='')
addSQLMethod = catalog.newContent
addSQLMethod(portal_type='SQL Method', id=method_id, title='',
connection_id='erp5_sql_connection', arguments_src='', src='')
zsql_method = catalog._getOb(method_id, None)
self.assertTrue(zsql_method is not None)
sequence.edit(zsql_method_id = method_id)
......@@ -1599,21 +1599,20 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
# set filter for this method
expression = 'python: context.isPredicate()'
expr_instance = Expression(expression)
catalog.filter_dict[method_id] = PersistentMapping()
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 1
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression'] = expression
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_cache_key'] = 'portal_type',
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['type'] = []
def stepCreateUpdateCatalogMethod(self, sequence=None, **kw):
pc = self.getCatalogTool()
catalog = pc.getSQLCatalog()
self.assertTrue(catalog is not None)
method_id = "z_fake_method"
addSQLMethod = catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod
addSQLMethod(id=method_id, title='', connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
arguments='', template='')
addSQLMethod = catalog.newContent
addSQLMethod(portal_type='SQL Method', id=method_id, title='',
connection_id='erp5_sql_connection', arguments_src='', src='')
zsql_method = catalog._getOb(method_id, None)
self.assertTrue(zsql_method is not None)
sequence.edit(zsql_method_id = method_id)
......@@ -1625,20 +1624,19 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
# set filter for this method
expression = 'python: context.isDelivery()'
expr_instance = Expression(expression)
catalog.filter_dict[method_id] = PersistentMapping()
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 1
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression'] = expression
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_cache_key'] = 'portal_type',
catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['type'] = []
def stepCreateNewCatalogMethod(self, sequence=None, **kw):
pc = self.getCatalogTool()
catalog = pc.getSQLCatalog()
method_id = "z_another_fake_method"
addSQLMethod =catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod
addSQLMethod(id=method_id, title='', connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
arguments='', template='')
addSQLMethod =catalog.newContent
addSQLMethod(portal_type='SQL Method', id=method_id, title='',
connection_id='erp5_sql_connection', arguments_src='', src='')
zsql_method = catalog._getOb(method_id, None)
self.assertTrue(zsql_method is not None)
sequence.edit(another_zsql_method_id = method_id)
......@@ -1717,11 +1715,12 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
# check catalog properties
self.assertIn(method_id, catalog.sql_uncatalog_object)
# check filter
filter_dict = catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
filter_dict = catalog.getFilterDict()
filter_dict = filter_dict[method_id]
self.assertItemsEqual(filter_dict['expression_cache_key'], ['portal_type'])
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['type'], [])
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['filtered'], 1)
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['expression'], 'python: context.isPredicate()')
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['expression_cache_key'], ('portal_type',))
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['type'], ())
def stepCheckUpdatedCatalogMethodExists(self, sequence=None, **kw):
pc = self.getCatalogTool()
......@@ -1733,11 +1732,12 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
# check catalog properties
self.assertIn(method_id, catalog.sql_uncatalog_object)
# check filter
filter_dict = catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
filter_dict = catalog.getFilterDict()
filter_dict = filter_dict[method_id]
self.assertItemsEqual(filter_dict['expression_cache_key'], ['portal_type'])
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['type'], [])
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['filtered'], 1)
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['expression'], 'python: context.isDelivery()')
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['expression_cache_key'], ('portal_type',))
self.assertEqual(filter_dict['type'], ())
def stepCheckCatalogMethodRemoved(self, sequence=None, **kw):
......@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
# check catalog properties
self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog.sql_uncatalog_object)
# check filter
self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog.filter_dict.keys())
self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog._getFilterDict().keys())
def stepRemoveCatalogMethod(self, sequence=None, **kw):
......@@ -1772,8 +1772,7 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
catalog.sql_uncatalog_object = tuple(sql_uncatalog_object)
self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog.sql_uncatalog_object)
# remove filter
del catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog.filter_dict.keys())
self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog._getFilterDict().keys())
# Related key, Result key and table, and others
def stepCreateKeysAndTable(self, sequence=list, **kw):
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ document_classes = updateGlobals( this_module, globals(), permissions_module = P
# Define object classes and tools
from Tool import ArchiveTool
from Document import ERP5Catalog
import CatalogTool
object_classes = ()
object_classes = (ERP5Catalog.ERP5Catalog,)
portal_tools = (CatalogTool.CatalogTool,
content_classes = ()
......@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ CREATE TABLE alternate_roles_and_users (
# Configure sql method to insert this table
sql_catalog.newContent(portal_type='SQL Method',
arguments="\n".join(['uid', 'alternate_security_uid']),
template="""REPLACE INTO alternate_roles_and_users VALUES
arguments_src="\n".join(['uid', 'alternate_security_uid']),
src="""REPLACE INTO alternate_roles_and_users VALUES
<dtml-in prefix="loop" expr="_.range(_.len(uid))">
( <dtml-sqlvar expr="uid[loop_item]" type="int">,
<dtml-sqlvar expr="alternate_security_uid[loop_item]" type="int" optional>
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def manage_page_footer(self):
+ ['printed', 'same_type', 'string', 'sequence', 'random', 'DateTime',
'whrandom', 'reorder', 'sets', 'test', 'math'])
live_check_python_script = 1 # XXX make it a preference ?
elif document.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method', ):
elif document.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method', 'ERP5 SQL Method'):
mode = 'sql'
textarea_selector = 'textarea[name="template:text"]'
elif document.meta_type in ('Page Template', 'ERP5 OOo Template', ):
......@@ -3258,9 +3258,10 @@ class TestAccessControl(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def afterSetUp(self):
self.getCatalogTool().getSQLCatalog().filter_dict['z_catalog_object_list'] \
= dict(filtered=1, type=[], expression=self.expression,
method = self.getCatalogTool().getSQLCatalog()._getOb('z_catalog_object_list')
......@@ -744,8 +744,7 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
for item in item_list:
f.write(' <item type="str">%s</item>\n' % escape(str(item)))
f.write(' </property>\n')
# XXX Although filters are not properties, output filters here.
# XXX Ideally, filters should be properties in Z SQL Methods, shouldn't they?
# Filters are now propeties in ERP5 SQL Method(s)
filter_dict = self._getFilterDict()
if filter_dict:
for filter_id, filter_def in sorted(filter_dict.iteritems()):
......@@ -765,61 +764,6 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
return f.getvalue()
security.declareProtected(import_export_objects, 'manage_importProperties')
def manage_importProperties(self, file):
Import properties from an XML file.
with open(file) as f:
doc = parse(f)
root = doc.documentElement
for prop in root.getElementsByTagName("property"):
id = prop.getAttribute("id")
type = prop.getAttribute("type")
if not id or not hasattr(self, id):
raise CatalogError, 'unknown property id %r' % (id,)
if type not in ('str', 'tuple'):
raise CatalogError, 'unknown property type %r' % (type,)
if type == 'str':
value = ''
for text in prop.childNodes:
if text.nodeType == text.TEXT_NODE:
value = str(
value = []
for item in prop.getElementsByTagName("item"):
item_type = item.getAttribute("type")
if item_type != 'str':
raise CatalogError, 'unknown item type %r' % (item_type,)
for text in item.childNodes:
if text.nodeType == text.TEXT_NODE:
value = tuple(value)
setattr(self, id, value)
if not hasattr(self, 'filter_dict'):
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
for filt in root.getElementsByTagName("filter"):
id = str(filt.getAttribute("id"))
expression = filt.getAttribute("expression")
if id not in self.filter_dict:
self.filter_dict[id] = PersistentMapping()
self.filter_dict[id]['filtered'] = 1
self.filter_dict[id]['type'] = []
if expression:
expr_instance = Expression(expression)
self.filter_dict[id]['expression'] = expression
self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
self.filter_dict[id]['expression'] = ""
self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = None
security.declareProtected(manage_zcatalog_entries, 'manage_historyCompare')
def manage_historyCompare(self, rev1, rev2, REQUEST,
......@@ -2718,179 +2662,6 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
method = self._getOb(self.getSqlReadRecordedObjectList())
return method(catalog=catalog)
# Filtering
security.declareProtected(manage_zcatalog_entries, 'manage_editFilter')
def manage_editFilter(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None):
This methods allows to set a filter on each zsql method called,
so we can test if we should or not call a zsql method, so we can
increase a lot the speed.
if withCMF:
method_id_list = [ for zsql_method in self.getFilterableMethodList()]
# Remove unused filters.
for id in self.filter_dict.keys():
if id not in method_id_list:
del self.filter_dict[id]
for id in method_id_list:
# We will first look if the filter is activated
if id not in self.filter_dict:
self.filter_dict[id] = PersistentMapping()
if REQUEST.has_key('%s_box' % id):
self.filter_dict[id]['filtered'] = 1
self.filter_dict[id]['filtered'] = 0
expression = REQUEST.get('%s_expression' % id, '').strip()
self.filter_dict[id]['expression'] = expression
if expression:
self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = Expression(expression)
self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = None
if REQUEST.has_key('%s_type' % id):
list_type = REQUEST['%s_type' % id]
if isinstance(list_type, str):
list_type = [list_type]
self.filter_dict[id]['type'] = list_type
self.filter_dict[id]['type'] = []
self.filter_dict[id]['expression_cache_key'] = \
tuple(sorted(REQUEST.get('%s_expression_cache_key' % id, '').split()))
RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/manage_catalogFilter?manage_tabs_message=Filter%20Changed')
def isMethodFiltered(self, method_name):
Returns 1 if the method is already filtered,
else it returns 0
if withCMF:
# Reset Filtet dict
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
return 0
return self.filter_dict[method_name]['filtered']
except KeyError:
return 0
return 0
def getExpression(self, method_name):
""" Get the filter expression text for this method.
if withCMF:
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
return ""
return self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression']
except KeyError:
return ""
return ""
def getExpressionCacheKey(self, method_name):
""" Get the key string which is used to cache results
for the given expression.
if withCMF:
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
return ""
return ' '.join(self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_cache_key'])
except KeyError:
return ""
return ""
def getExpressionInstance(self, method_name):
""" Get the filter expression instance for this method.
if withCMF:
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
return None
return self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_instance']
except KeyError:
return None
return None
def setFilterExpression(self, method_name, expression):
""" Set the Expression for a certain method name. This allow set
expressions by scripts.
if withCMF:
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
return None
self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression'] = expression
if expression:
self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_instance'] = Expression(expression)
self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_instance'] = None
def isPortalTypeSelected(self, method_name, portal_type):
""" Returns true if the portal type is selected for this method.
XXX deprecated
if withCMF:
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
return 0
return portal_type in (self.filter_dict[method_name]['type'])
except KeyError:
return 0
return 0
def getFilteredPortalTypeList(self, method_name):
""" Returns the list of portal types which define
the filter.
XXX deprecated
if withCMF:
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
return []
return self.filter_dict[method_name]['type']
except KeyError:
return []
return []
def getFilterDict(self):
Utility Method.
Filter Dict is a dictionary and used at Python Scripts,
This method returns a filter dict as a dictionary.
if withCMF:
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
return None
filter_dict = {}
for key in self.filter_dict:
# Filter is also a Persistence dict.
filter_dict[key] = {}
for sub_key in self.filter_dict[key]:
filter_dict[key][sub_key] = self.filter_dict[key][sub_key]
return filter_dict
return None
def getConnectionId(self, deferred=False):
......@@ -2899,7 +2670,7 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
If 'deferred' is True, then returns the deferred connection
for method in self.objectValues():
if method.meta_type == 'Z SQL Method':
if method.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method', 'ERP5 SQL Method',):
if ('deferred' in method.connection_id) == deferred:
return method.connection_id
......@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, Persistent, Implicit):
def changeSQLConnectionIds(self, folder, sql_connection_id_dict):
if sql_connection_id_dict is not None:
if folder.meta_type == 'Z SQL Method':
if folder.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method', 'ERP5 SQL Method',):
connection_id = folder.connection_id
if connection_id in sql_connection_id_dict:
folder.connection_id = sql_connection_id_dict[connection_id]
......@@ -55,64 +55,6 @@ class TestSQLCatalog(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(self._catalog.z_dummy_method in
def test_manage_editFilter(self):
request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
def test_isMethodFiltered(self):
request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
def test_getFilterExpression(self):
request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
self.assertEqual('python: 1', self._catalog.getExpression('z_dummy_method'))
self.assertEqual('', self._catalog.getExpression('not_exists'))
def test_setFilterExpression(self):
request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
expression = self._catalog.getExpressionInstance('z_dummy_method')
self._catalog.setFilterExpression('z_dummy_method', 'python: 2')
self.assertEqual('python: 2', self._catalog.getExpression('z_dummy_method'))
self._catalog.setFilterExpression('z_dummy_method', 'python: 1')
self.assertEqual('python: 1', self._catalog.getExpression('z_dummy_method'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._catalog.setFilterExpression,
'not_exists', "python:1")
self.assertEqual('', self._catalog.getExpression('not_exists'))
def test_getFilterDict(self):
request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
filter_dict = self._catalog.getFilterDict()
self.assertEqual(self._catalog.filter_dict.keys(), filter_dict.keys())
self.assertTrue(isinstance(filter_dict, type({})))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(filter_dict['z_dummy_method'], type({})))
def test_getFilterExpressionInstance(self):
request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
self._catalog.getExpressionInstance('z_dummy_method'), Expression))
self.assertEqual(None, self._catalog.getExpressionInstance('not_exists'))
def test_isPortalTypeSelected(self):
request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_type=['Selected'])
self._catalog.isPortalTypeSelected('z_dummy_method', 'Selected'))
self._catalog.isPortalTypeSelected('z_dummy_method', 'Not Selected'))
self._catalog.isPortalTypeSelected('not_exists', 'Selected'))
def test_getRecordByUid(self):
class MyError(RuntimeError):
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