Commit 77f7ff46 authored by Vincent Bechu's avatar Vincent Bechu Committed by Alain Takoudjou

Add Vincent Bechu public key

/reviewed-on !72
parent 7c49ecba
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCgWMvWHV2ftxHooiP9znsRdt27ZZRhXrrFdrHP270JLS/dWTnn8nmiH8GKsqZWr05nTnPJpnuLxIFtGRiPMc8oyaHWZ665nHIJikFYzcuwrlGw6CofOOyABoKSO+SO12q+err+i8K3qI4Bf3k62dHIXH/OHk0ZUTieAGmG/GaMajSgqHgJRMkjC+KEKUvHbm4JlQUJGKb+KaXkAT/8sSzI4EpCWSmGP6R/cPJFd8IYYDxaDjD0UvpZ5RETIalPa9sh3Kc6u3ITT4eUQwEY1InghtNeP8tP1BL8th48CwsHPqV9fl9V62cFtEBoQkzLFtXhfQOZNvsPn6G4MWjknlXl
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
- name: Add RC SSH Key
authorized_key: user=root key="{{ lookup('file', 'romain_key') }}"
- name: Add VB SSH Key
authorized_key: user=root key="{{ lookup('file', 'vincent_bechu_key') }}"
- name: Remove old G Key
authorized_key: user=root key="{{ lookup('file', 'remove_key_2') }}" state=absent
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