To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGES.txt 12.4 KB
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0.45.0 (2014-11-24)

* Resiliency tests: allow to use from inside of a classical erp5testnode.

0.44.0 (2014-11-22)

* Add new `networkbench` command.

0.43.0 (2014-11-13)

* Add new `slapos-kill` command, deprecating `killpidfromfile`
* Make `pycurl` egg an optional dependency

0.42.0 (2014-10-28)

* The egg provides `check-web-page-http-cache-hit` script to check if a web page
  is well cached by Squid or TrafficServer.

0.41.0 (2014-10-20)

* The egg provides `is-local-tcp-port-opened` script to check if an ip address
  + port are currently opened on the local machine by reading in /proc/net/tcp
  and /proc/net/tcp6.

0.40.4 (2014-10-14)

 * The equeue server now supports additional parameters to the callbacks, separated by \0 in the JSON protocol.
   The pubsubnotifier accepts a --transaction-id parameter. If missing, the current timestamp is used.
   The pubsubnotifier then provides the transaction-id value in the POST call to /notify.

   Together, these three changes allow us to put in the crontab:

   0 0 * * * /srv/slapgrid/slappartXX/bin/exporter --transaction-id `date +%s`

   and the same timestamp value is reported as transaction id in the equeue logs for BOTH the pull
   and push operations.

0.40.3 (2014-10-13)

  * Slaprunner: stop proxy when removing instances content. This fixes the "partition11 table does not exist" error.

0.40.2 (2014-09-25)

  * Slaprunner: Various bug fix
  * Slaprunner: Update supervisorctl interaction to work with latest slapos.core revision

0.40.1 (2014-09-02)

  * Slaprunner: Fix a bad behaviour within slapos

0.40 (2014-09-01)

 * Slaprunner: Supervisord runs slapos commands
 * Slaprunner: fixes for git repositories management

0.39.5 (Unreleased)

 * Slaprunner: Add slave support test.

0.39.4 (2014-08-11)

 * Slaprunner: Add a minishell feature, using far less bandwith than shellinabox
 * Slaprunner: Slapgrid state is correctly rendered while compiling
 * Slaprunner: consider new parameter's values without needing to restart [719da31a]
 * Slaprunner: slapgrid's last result is always accessible through a stored file [a0bc26e9]
 * Slaprunner: Fix dangerous bug concerning custom parameters [50ca3386]
 * Slaprunner: various fixes and improvements

0.39.3 (2014-07-11)

 * Slaprunner: Add folder to favorites [Alain T.]
 * Slaprunner: Fix https git clone not possible if no login [Alain T.]
 * Slaprunner: Improve editor full window [Alain T.]
 * Pubsub: More explicit RSS displayed in reversed chronoligical order [Cedric LN]
 * Pubsub-notifier: add logger [Cedric LN]
 * Slaprunner: Various fixes

0.39.2 (2014-05-16)

 * Slaprunner: Add tab support [Alain T.]
 * Slaprunner: Add upload file [Alain T.]
 * Slaprunner: Improve editor full window [Alain T.]
 * Slaprunner: Various fixes

0.39.1 (2014-04-30)

 * Slaprunner: Various fixes

0.39 (2014-02-20)

 * Slaprunner: new web interface design
 * Slaprunner: one function handle both "run software" and "run instance" [9c660c0]
 * Slaprunner: building and deploying can be customized [0db1f6b, b33bd1f]
 * Slaprunner: adds a multi-user feature [efad6d]
 * Slaprunner: add fullscreen mode for text edition [83d1dc]
 * Slaprunner: direct access to monitoring of running instance, if it exists [f8e7bf3]

0.38.1 (2013-12-06)

 * Slaprunner: do not delete proxy.db on each run software [71777fc0]

0.38 (2013-12-03)

 * Slaprunner: adds an integrated shell [ca6a670a]
 * Slaprunner: uses basic authentification [05913751]
 * Slaprunner: adds automated deployment of a Software Release [c8ab1273]
 * Slaprunner: flask development server replaced by Gunicorn, a WSGI server [48d60d0f]
 * Slaprunner: new test scenario for auto-deployment [c6007954]
 * Runner resiliencytestsuite: adds basic auth support [3c03f12b]
 * Runner resiliencytestsuite: tests can be done on only one Slapos node [07198d87]

0.37.4 (2013-10-15)

 * Improve QEMU QMP wrapper by adding drive-backup method and other helpers. [0afb7d6, 95d0c8b]

0.37.3 (2013-10-10)

* pubsub: don't swallow output of subprocess to allow debug. [c503484]

0.37.2 (2013-10-10)

 * Add QEMU QMP wrapper. [9e819a8]
 * KVM resiliency test: update docstring about how to setup disk image. [dbe347f]
 * KVM resiliency test: change key for each clone. [7ef1db3]

0.37.1 (2013-10-03)

  * pubsub notifier: handle timeout and other connection errors. [ac4c75c]
  * equeue: cast str(timestamp) to please gdbm. [8b067d6]

0.37 (2013-09-30)

 * equeue: log output of subprocess. [1694937]
 * slaprunner: don't send 200 when login is bad. [4a8e10bf]
 * Improve reliability of resiliency tests.

0.36 (2013-09-05)

 * Add resiliency test system.
 * Add kvm resiliency test suite.
 * Add slaprunner resiliency test suite.
 * slaprunner: don't tell user false assumptions [71dc4a08e].
 * slaprunner: allow profile/instance to be run by GET [4b454814a].
 * slaprunner: remove boring username/password length check [fcce0336c].

0.35.1 (2013-08-05)

 * slaprunner: add support for reverse proxy [6c379644].

0.35.0 (2013-07-08)

 * Resiliency: equeue is rewriten extending SocketServer.ThreadingUnixStreamServer (Thanks to Julien M.). So far outputs of commands invoked by equeue are redirected to /dev/null to avoid locking the whole process. [Cedric Le Ninivin]
 * Add htpasswd script. This script is meant to produce htpasswd file without installing apache. [Cedric Le Ninivin]
 * slaprunner: Grammar improvements.

0.34.0 (2013-03-28)

 * runner: Log textarea is resizable. [Cedric de Saint Martin]
 * runner: Fix bug where slaproxy hangs: Redirect slapproxy output to stdout. [Cedric de Saint Martin]
 * lampconfigure: Add support for running SQL scripts in lampconfigure. [Cedric de Saint Martin]
 * runner: software_type now survives to slaprunner reboot. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.33.1 (2013-02-12)

 * runner: Add default values for git repository while cloning. [Cedric de Saint Martin]
 * runner: Don't remove git repo if error occurred during clone. [Cedric de Saint Martin]
 * runner: Fix bug where software_type of main instance is *impossible* to set reliably. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.33 (2013-01-24)

 * agent: run tests in order. [Marco Mariani]
 * slaprunner: Add process killer killing all processes when instance is
   stopped. [Cedric Le Ninivin]
 * slaprunner: slapgrid-cp will be run at startup. [Cedric Le Ninivin]
 * slaprunner: Improved design. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner: Don't set arbitrary limitations on the complexity of password.
   [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.32 (2012-12-13)
 * pubsub: support multiple notifications and callbacks. [Marco Mariani]
 * pubsub: print/return errors from subprocess or notifications. [Marco Mariani]
 * agent: ignore SR status, retrieve instance status with .getStatus(). [Marco
 * slapmonitor: added slapmonitor-xml function + entry point. [Marco Mariani]

0.31.1 (2012-10-02)
 * slaprunner: Add new file manager. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner: Ask confirm before delete important folder. [Alain Takoudjou]

0.31 (2012-10-02)

 * slaprunner: Add correct support for software_type. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.30 (2012-08-29)

 * Add promise support on slapcontainer script. [Antoine Catton]

0.29.1 (2012-08-23)

 * Minor fix on slapcontainer. [Antoine Catton]

0.29 (2012-08-22)

 * Add slapcontainer stateless script. [Antoine Catton]

0.28.2 (2012-08-17)

 * Slaprunner: Move password, process pid and config files to etc_dir [Alain Takoudjou]

0.28.1 (2012-08-15)

 * Update ACE to 08.11.2012 and JQuery to 1.8.0. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.28 (2012-08-09)

 * slaprunner: add support for authentication management. [Alain Takoudjou]

0.27 (2012-08-07)

 * pubsub: add support for multiple notification servers. [Timothée Lacroix]

0.26.1 (2012-07-09)

 * runner: Add support to slapos.core 0.26.2 [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.26 (2012-07-06)

 * slaprunner now supports authentication and instance parameters.
   [Alain Takoudjou]
 * Redisign of Test Agent so that it supports proper instantiation test and
   report. [Vincent Pelletier]

0.25 (2012-06-19)

 * slapmonitor is fully functional. [Mohamadou Mbengue]

0.24 (2012-04-19)

 * Slap Test Agent : test software release installation and instance allocation [Yingjie Xu]

0.22 (2012-04-05)

 * Install argparse if missing [Łukasz Nowak]

0.21 (2012-04-04)

 * zodbpack : simple tool to pack ZODB [Łukasz Nowak]

0.20 (2012-03-28)

 * slaprunner : fix recursive include of .gif files [Alain Takoudjou]

0.19 (2012-03-28)

 * slaprunner : Add Support for more instances at the same time. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner : Add slapgrid process control and management. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner : Add Cloud9 IDE. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner : Add develop location of cloned git repository. [Alain Takoudjou]

0.18 (2012-02-23)

 * slaprunner : Add git commit and push support. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner : Solve UI problems in project management. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner : Solve bug where ACE modifies carrier returns. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner : Add ajax view of build log. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * slaprunner : Allow to edit any file in repository. [Alain Takoudjou]

0.17 (2012-02-10)

 * slapbuilder: Update slapbuilder to new OpenSuse 12.1. [Cedric Le Ninivin]
 * slapbuilder: Added automatic IPv6 support thanks to ViFiB OpenVPN.
   [Cedric Le Ninivin]
 * slapbuilder: Added virtual machine support. [Cedric Le Ninivin]
 * slapbuilder: Added "One Disk" feature. [Cedric Le Ninivin]

0.16 (2012-01-20)

 * Fix [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.15 (2012-01-20)

 * slaprunner: Adding project and git repository management [Alain Takoudjou]

0.14 (2012-01-09)

 * onetimeupload: SSL should be provided by an http frontend [Romain Courteaud]

0.13 (2011-12-30)

 * builder: fix usage of mkstemp [Romain Courteaud]

0.12 (2011-12-29)

 * builder: dynamic offset calculation [Romain Courteaud]

0.11 (2011-12-23)

 * equeue: Add execution queue server. [Antoine Catton]
 * pubsub: Add pubsub server using pubsubhubbub for notifications. [Antoine Catton]

0.10 (2011-11-07)

 * slapbuilder: Support banging. [Łukasz Nowak]
 * lamp : Fix bug when using file_token option [Alain Takoudjou]

0.9 (2011-10-29)

 * Add LAMP tool to manage lamp instances. [Alain Takoudjou]
 * Add onetimedownload : a simple script which download any http resource
   and save it into a specified file_path. [Nicolas Delaby]

0.8 (2011-10-24)

 * Add new style to runner. [Alain Takoudjou]

0.7 (2011-10-17)

 * generic: Added systool with killpidfromfile. [Łukasz Nowak]
 * slaprunner: Avoid error when trying to remove instance directory containing
   not writable directories. [Alain Takoudjou]

0.6 (2011-07-13)

 * slapbuilder: Typo during PKI repository creation fixed. [Łukasz Nowak]

0.5 (2011-07-12)

 * slapbuilder: Do not play too much with buildout, SlapOS installation is
   responsible for correctly featured zc.buildout [Łukasz Nowak]

0.4 (1011-07-11)

 * Update slaprunner to run on newer slapos (requires at least 0.10
   to work). [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.3 (2011-06-27)

 * slapbuilder: use slapos provided networkcached buildout.
 * slapbuilder: fix network issues on busy networks ("Neighbour table

0.2 (2011-06-10)

 * In slapbuilder: drop to 100 partitions by default, move out PKI from USB key
   to real disk. [Łukasz Nowak]

0.1 (2011-05-27)

 * Created slapos.toolbox from slapos.tool.builder, slapos.tool.runner,
   slapos.tool.cloudmgr, slapos.tool.ontimeupload and slapos.tool.networkcache.
   [Łukasz Nowak]