Commit 01b3194b authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

component/defaults.cfg: fix calculation of min_version

with current min_version set in component/defaults.cfg depending on the
order of extend of buildout, sometimes the min_version of components is
not respected.

This should be fixed by using += everywhere but it needs
parent f185af94
......@@ -34,11 +34,8 @@ depends =
# python requirements for which the compiler does not matter
recipe =
# Latest version provided by SlapOS.
# Default version provided by SlapOS.
part = gcc-10.5
# Minimum version for all components that might be required for
# slapos.rebootstrap (see about Python 3.7+).
min_version = 5.4
init =
import os, subprocess
parse_version = lambda ver: tuple(map(int, ver.strip().split('.')))
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