Commit 98fb2bd2 authored by Titouan Soulard's avatar Titouan Soulard

erp5_trade: rework `isQuantityEnabled` and `isQuantityEditable` scripts

The two scripts were a bit too independant from one another, sometimes causing
weird behaviours. Editing a quantity now depends on the quantity being enabled,
which happens when the line is not expected to have cells or sublines.

Also enforces expected behaviour for items: if a product or service has
*required* items, its quantity cannot be edited, since quantity of the items
should set the quantity of the line or cell.
parent 2d814f2a
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"""This script is used to know if quantity can be edited by user.
* If this is not a movement (line containing lines or cell), user
cannot edit this line which is just a container, but no actual movement.
This script is used to know if quantity can be edited by user.
* If this line has variation category list, then it means it's a line that
will contain cell, so it's already not possible to set quantity, user have
to create cells and set quantities on cells.
* If quantity is not enabled on the movement, quantity cannot be set.
* If items are used, quantity is set by the item quantity.
* If items are required, quantity is set by the item quantity.
if not context.isMovement():
return False
if context.getVariationCategoryList(omit_optional_variation=1) and not 'Cell' in context.getPortalType():
if not context.Movement_isQuantityEnabled():
return False
return not (context.getResource() and context.getResourceValue().getAggregatedPortalTypeList())
return not (context.getResource() and context.getResourceValue().getRequiredAggregatedPortalTypeList())
return context.isMovement() and not context.getVariationCategoryList()
This script is used to know if quantity should be shown to the user. Usually, not showing quantity happens when a total quantity is shown instead, meaning the line uses cells.
* If this is not a movement (line containing lines or cell), user cannot see quantity for this line which is just a container, but no actual movement.
* If this line has required variation category list, then it means it's a line that will contain cell, so total quantity will be used instead.
* If this line has optional variation category list, and already contain cells, total quantity should also be used.
if not context.isMovement():
return False
if not 'Cell' in context.getPortalType() and \
(context.getVariationCategoryList(omit_optional_variation=1) or \
return False
return True
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