will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 529301aa authored by Christophe Dumez's avatar Christophe Dumez

- Improved XML Generation

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 42f269b6
......@@ -47,23 +47,33 @@ except ImportError:
class File :
# Constructor
def __init__(self, fileName) :
self.fileName = fileName
def __init__(self, fullPath) :
self.fullPath = fullPath
self.fileName = fullPath.split('/')[-1]
# return the file name
def getName(self) :
return self.fileName
# return the file path
def getFullPath(self) :
return self.fullPath
## End of File Class
class Dir :
# Constructor
def __init__(self, dirName) :
self.dirName = dirName
def __init__(self, fullPath) :
self.fullPath = fullPath
self.dirName = fullPath.split('/')[-1]
self.subdirs = [] # list of sub directories
# return directory's short name
def getName(self) :
return self.dirName
# return directory's path
def getFullPath(self) :
return self.fullPath
# return a list of sub directories' names
def getSubDirs(self) :
......@@ -281,39 +291,55 @@ class SubversionTool(UniqueObject, Folder):
return client.status(self._getWorkingPath(path), **kw)
def getModifiedTree(self, path) :
# Remove trailing slash if it's present
if path[-1]=="/" :
path = path[:-1]
root = Dir(path.split('/')[-1])
#root = Dir(path.split('/')[-1])
root = Dir(path)
for statusObj in self.status(path) :
# (normal, added, modified, deleted)
msgStatus = statusObj.getTextStatus()
f = file('/tmp/py.log','w')
if str(msgStatus) != "normal" :
relative_path = statusObj.getPath()[len(path)+1:]
full_path = statusObj.getPath()
full_path_list = full_path.split('/')[1:]
f.write('full_path_list = %s\n' % full_path_list)
relative_path = full_path[len(path)+1:]
relative_path_list = relative_path.split('/')
f.write('relative_path_list = %s\n' % relative_path_list)
# Processing entry
full_path = relative_path.split('/')
filename = full_path[-1]
full_path = full_path[:-1]
filename = relative_path_list[-1]
# Needed or files will be both File & Dir objects
relative_path_list = relative_path_list[:-1]
parent = root
for rep in full_path :
if rep:
if rep not in parent.getSubDirs():
parent = parent.getDir(rep)
i = len(path.split('/'))-1
for d in relative_path_list :
i += 1
if d :
if d not in parent.getSubDirs():
f.write('d is = %s\n'% d)
f.write('adding subdir %s to parent %s\n'% ('/'+'/'.join(full_path_list[:i]).strip(), parent.getFullPath()))
parent = parent.getDir(d)
return root
def treeToXML(self, item) :
return self._treeToXML(item, "", 0)
output = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>"+ os.linesep
output += "<tree id='0'>" + os.linesep
output = self._treeToXML(item, output, 1)
output += "</tree>" + os.linesep
return output
def _treeToXML(self, item, output, ident) :
if isinstance(item, Dir) :
for i in range(ident) :
output += '\t'
output += '<item type="directory" name="%s">'%item.getName() + os.linesep
output += '<item text="%s" id="%s" im0="folderClosed.gif" im1="folderOpen.gif" im2="folderClosed.gif">'%(item.getName(), item.getFullPath(),) + os.linesep
for it in item.subdirs:
ident += 1
output = self._treeToXML(item.getDir(it.getName()), output, ident)
......@@ -324,7 +350,7 @@ class SubversionTool(UniqueObject, Folder):
else :
for i in range(ident) :
output += '\t'
output += '<item type="file" name="%s" />'%item.getName() + os.linesep
output += '<item text="%s" id="%s" im0="leaf.gif" im1="leaf.gif" im2="leaf.gif"/>'%(item.getName(), item.getFullPath(),) + os.linesep
return output
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