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Add hello-world Software Release.

parent 7661620b
# Deploy hello-world instance
parts =
# Define egg directories to be the one from Software Release
# (/opt/slapgrid/...)
# Always the same.
eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory}
develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
offline = true
# Fetches parameters defined in SlapOS Master for this instance.
# Always the same.
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
computer = $${slap_connection:computer_id}
partition = $${slap_connection:partition_id}
url = $${slap_connection:server_url}
key = $${slap_connection:key_file}
cert = $${slap_connection:cert_file}
# Define default parameter(s) that will be used later, in case user didn't
# specify it
name = anonymous
# Create all needed directories, depending on your needs
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
etc = $${buildout:directory}/etc
# Executables put here will be started but not monitored (for startup scripts)
script = $${:etc}/run/
# Executables put here will be started and monitored (for daemons)
service = $${:etc}/service
# Executables put here will be launched after buildout has completed to see
# if instance is running
promise = $${:etc}/promise/
# Create a simple shell script that will only output your name if you
# specified it as instance parameter.
# Usually, of course, we use more useful commands, like web servers.
# This recipe will try to "exec" the command-line after separating parameters.
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
# Notice that there is only one $ at ${dash:location}, it is because it comes from the Software Release buildout profile.
command-line = ${dash:location}/bin/dash -c 'echo "Hello $${instance-parameter:name}!"; sleep 100000;'
# Put this shell script in the "etc/service" directory. Every executable of this
# repository will be started and monitored by supervisord
wrapper-path = $${directory:service}/hello-world
# Publish all the parameters needed for the user to connect to the instance.
# It can be anything: URL(s), password(s), or arbitrary parameters.
# Here we'll just echo back the entered name as instance parameter
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
name = Hello $${instance-parameter:name}!
extends =
# "slapos" stack describes basic things needed for 99.9% of SlapOS Software
# Releases
# Extend here component profiles, like openssl, apache, mariadb, curl...
# Or/and extend a stack (lamp, tomcat) that does most of the work for you
# In this example we only need the dash binary to run a simple "hello world"
# shell script.
parts =
# Call installation of slapos.cookbook egg defined in stack/slapos.cfg (needed
# in 99,9% of Slapos Software Releases)
# Call creation of instance.cfg file that will be called for deployment of
# instance
# Download (buildout profile used to deployment of instance),
# replace all ${foo:bar} parameters by real values, and change $${foo:bar} to
# ${foo:bar}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance.cfg
# MD5 checksum can be skipped for development, but must be filled for production
#md5sum =
mode = 0644
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