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Commit c7f1a35c authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

use reference instead of hardcoded portal types.

parent 095baff6
......@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ Simulation Movements can come from normal Invoice Transaction Rule\n
and same rule which is children of Trade Model Rule """\n
# search for normal movements\n
kw[\'parent_specialise_portal_type\'] = [\'Invoice Transaction Rule\', \'Invoice Transaction Simulation Rule\']\n
kw[\'grand_grand_parent_specialise_portal_type\'] = [\n
\'Invoicing Rule\', \'Invoice Simulation Rule\', \'Invoice Rule\', \'Invoice Root Simulation Rule\', \'Tax Rule\']\n
kw[\'parent_specialise_reference\'] = [\'default_invoice_transaction_rule\']\n
kw[\'grand_grand_parent_specialise_reference\'] = [\n
\'default_invoicing_rule\', \'default_invoice_rule\']\n
if context.Invoice_isAdvanced():\n
kw[\'explanation_portal_type\'] = [\'%s Order\' % trade_type,\n
\'%s Invoice\' % trade_type,\n
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ normal_movement_list = [movement for movement in context.InvoiceTransaction_zSel
# update query to search for movements which are children of Trade Model Rule\n
kw[\'grand_grand_parent_specialise_portal_type\'] = [\'Trade Model Rule\', \'Trade Model Simulation Rule\']\n
kw[\'grand_grand_parent_specialise_reference\'] = \'default_trade_model_rule\'\n
kw[\'grand_grand_grand_parent_simulation_state\'] = [\'started\']\n
search_kw = kw.copy()\n
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ trade_model_movement_list = [movement for movement in context.InvoiceTransaction
movement_list = [] \n
for movement in normal_movement_list + trade_model_movement_list:\n
movement = movement.getObject()\n
if movement.getDeliveryValue() is None :\n
if movement.getDeliveryValue() is None and movement not in movement_list :\n
else :\n
from Products.ERP5Type.Log import log\n
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