Commit fa610065 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Remove usage from volatile parameters to access the ActivityBuffer on ActivityTool.

 - implies removing the global dict used in ActivityBuffer to avoid duplicated activity insertion.
 - implies that ActivityBuffer is boud to a thread (because of get_ident) and not to a connection any more (because volatile is bound to a connection), so persistent objects must not be held outside transaction scope (the maximum scope at which a connection is bound to a thread)
   - implies modifying hook registration so that portal_activities is passed as a parameter to tpc_prepare
     - implies overloading partially TM._register method to take activity_tool as a parameter

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent ea3cca1c
No related merge requests found
......@@ -37,16 +37,6 @@ except ImportError:
if not hasattr(globals()['__builtins__'], 'set'):
from sets import Set as set
# This variable is used to store thread-local buffered information.
# This must be RAM-based, because the use of a volatile attribute does
# not guarantee that the information persists until the end of a
# transaction, but we need to assure that the information is accessible
# for flushing activities. So the approach here is that information is
# stored in RAM, and removed at _finish and _abort, so that the information
# would not span over transactions.
buffer_dict_lock = threading.Lock()
buffer_dict = {}
class ActivityBuffer(TM):
......@@ -54,28 +44,8 @@ class ActivityBuffer(TM):
def __init__(self, activity_tool=None):
self.requires_prepare = 0
# Directly store the activity tool as an attribute. At the beginning
# the activity tool was stored as a part of the key in queued_activity and
# in flushed_activity, but this is not nice because in that case we must
# use hash on it, and when there is no uid on activity tool, it is
# impossible to generate a new uid because acquisition is not available
# in the dictionary.
assert activity_tool is not None
self._activity_tool = activity_tool
# Referring to a persistent object is dangerous when finishing a transaction,
# so store only the required information.
self._activity_tool_path = activity_tool.getPhysicalPath()
if self._activity_tool_path not in buffer_dict:
buffer_dict[self._activity_tool_path] = threading.local()
def _getBuffer(self):
buffer = buffer_dict[self._activity_tool_path]
buffer = self
# Create attributes only if they are not present.
if not hasattr(buffer, 'queued_activity'):
buffer.queued_activity = []
......@@ -99,9 +69,13 @@ class ActivityBuffer(TM):
buffer = self._getBuffer()
return buffer.uid_set_dict.setdefault(activity, set())
def _register(self, activity_tool):
# Keeps a list of messages to add and remove
# at end of transaction
def _begin(self, *ignored):
def _beginAndHook(self, activity_tool):
# LOG('ActivityBuffer', 0, '_begin %r' % (self,))
from ActivityTool import activity_list
self.requires_prepare = 1
......@@ -115,7 +89,7 @@ class ActivityBuffer(TM):
# patching Trasaction.
transaction = get_transaction()
transaction.beforeCommitHook(self.tpc_prepare, transaction)
transaction.beforeCommitHook(self.tpc_prepare, transaction, activity_tool=activity_tool)
except AttributeError:
......@@ -143,7 +117,9 @@ class ActivityBuffer(TM):
def _abort(self, *ignored):
def tpc_prepare(self, transaction, sub=None):
def tpc_prepare(self, transaction, sub=None, activity_tool=None):
assert activity_tool is not None
self._activity_tool_path = activity_tool.getPhysicalPath()
# Do nothing if it is a subtransaction
if sub is not None:
......@@ -156,23 +132,23 @@ class ActivityBuffer(TM):
# Try to push / delete all messages
buffer = self._getBuffer()
for (activity, message) in buffer.flushed_activity:
activity.prepareDeleteMessage(self._activity_tool, message)
activity.prepareDeleteMessage(activity_tool, message)
activity_dict = {}
for (activity, message) in buffer.queued_activity:
activity_dict.setdefault(activity, []).append(message)
for activity, message_list in activity_dict.iteritems():
if hasattr(activity, 'prepareQueueMessageList'):
activity.prepareQueueMessageList(self._activity_tool, message_list)
activity.prepareQueueMessageList(activity_tool, message_list)
for message in message_list:
activity.prepareQueueMessage(self._activity_tool, message)
activity.prepareQueueMessage(activity_tool, message)
LOG('ActivityBuffer', ERROR, "exception during tpc_prepare",
def deferredQueueMessage(self, activity_tool, activity, message):
# Activity is called to prevent queuing some messages (useful for example
# to prevent reindexing objects multiple times)
if not activity.isMessageRegistered(self, activity_tool, message):
......@@ -183,7 +159,7 @@ class ActivityBuffer(TM):
activity.registerMessage(self, activity_tool, message)
def deferredDeleteMessage(self, activity_tool, activity, message):
buffer = self._getBuffer()
buffer.flushed_activity.append((activity, message))
......@@ -81,6 +81,13 @@ ROLE_PROCESSING = 1
activity_dict = {}
activity_list = []
# Here go ActivityBuffer instances
# Structure:
# global_activity_buffer[activity_tool_path][thread_id] = ActivityBuffer
global_activity_buffer = {}
from thread import get_ident, allocate_lock
global_activity_buffer_lock = allocate_lock()
def registerActivity(activity):
# Must be rewritten to register
# class and create instance for each activity
......@@ -680,40 +687,76 @@ class ActivityTool (Folder, UniqueObject):
return 1
return 0
def getActivityBuffer(self, create_if_not_found=True):
Get activtity buffer for this thread for this activity tool.
If no activity buffer is found at lowest level and create_if_not_found
is True, create one.
Intermediate level is unconditionaly created if non existant because
chances are it will be used in the instance life.
Lock is held when checking for intermediate level existance
- intermediate level dict must not be created in 2 threads at the
same time, since one creation would destroy the existing one.
It's released after that step because:
- lower level access is at thread scope, thus by definition there
can be only one access at a time to a key
- GIL protects us when accessing python instances
global global_activity_buffer
global global_activity_buffer_lock
assert getattr(self, 'aq_self', None) is not None
my_instance_key = self.getPhysicalPath()
my_thread_key = get_ident()
if my_instance_key not in global_activity_buffer:
global_activity_buffer[my_instance_key] = {}
thread_activity_buffer = global_activity_buffer[my_instance_key]
if my_thread_key not in thread_activity_buffer:
if create_if_not_found:
buffer = ActivityBuffer(activity_tool=self)
buffer = None
thread_activity_buffer[my_thread_key] = buffer
activity_buffer = thread_activity_buffer[my_thread_key]
return activity_buffer
def activateObject(self, object, activity, active_process, **kw):
global is_initialized
if not is_initialized: self.initialize()
if getattr(self, '_v_activity_buffer', None) is None:
self._v_activity_buffer = ActivityBuffer(activity_tool=self)
return ActiveWrapper(object, activity, active_process, **kw)
def deferredQueueMessage(self, activity, message):
self._v_activity_buffer.deferredQueueMessage(self, activity, message)
activity_buffer = self.getActivityBuffer()
activity_buffer.deferredQueueMessage(self, activity, message)
def deferredDeleteMessage(self, activity, message):
if getattr(self, '_v_activity_buffer', None) is None:
self._v_activity_buffer = ActivityBuffer(activity_tool=self)
self._v_activity_buffer.deferredDeleteMessage(self, activity, message)
activity_buffer = self.getActivityBuffer()
activity_buffer.deferredDeleteMessage(self, activity, message)
def getRegisteredMessageList(self, activity):
activity_buffer = getattr(self, '_v_activity_buffer', None)
activity_buffer = self.getActivityBuffer(create_if_not_found=False)
if activity_buffer is not None:
activity_buffer._register() # This is required if flush flush is called outside activate
return activity.getRegisteredMessageList(self._v_activity_buffer,
#activity_buffer._register() # This is required if flush flush is called outside activate
return activity.getRegisteredMessageList(activity_buffer,
return []
def unregisterMessage(self, activity, message):
self._v_activity_buffer._register() # Required if called by flush, outside activate
return activity.unregisterMessage(self._v_activity_buffer, aq_inner(self), message)
activity_buffer = self.getActivityBuffer()
return activity.unregisterMessage(activity_buffer, aq_inner(self), message)
def flush(self, obj, invoke=0, **kw):
global is_initialized
if not is_initialized: self.initialize()
if getattr(self, '_v_activity_buffer', None) is None:
self._v_activity_buffer = ActivityBuffer(activity_tool=self)
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
object_path = obj
......@@ -840,8 +883,7 @@ class ActivityTool (Folder, UniqueObject):
# Some Security Cheking should be made here XXX
global is_initialized
if not is_initialized: self.initialize()
if getattr(self, '_v_activity_buffer', None) is None:
self._v_activity_buffer = ActivityBuffer(activity_tool=self)
Message(path, active_process, activity_kw, method_id, args, kw))
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