Commit 57ab5f33 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

gpython: tests: Adjust test_pymain_syspath to current PyPy state

See for stdin case.
-m started to behave as CPython.
parent 6ca43f2d
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys, os, platform, re, golang
from golang.golang_test import pyout, pyrun, _pyrun, readfile
from subprocess import PIPE
from six import PY2
from six import PY2, PY3
from six.moves import builtins
import pytest
......@@ -276,18 +276,25 @@ def test_pymain_syspath():
"access to installed eggs")
# check verifies that print_syspath output for gpython and underlying python is the same.
# if path0cwd2realpath=Y, expect realpath('') instead of '' in sys.path[0]
def check(argv, path0cwd2realpath=False, **kw):
# if path0realpath2cwd=Y, expect '' instead of realpath('') in sys.path[0]
def check(argv, path0cwd2realpath=False, path0realpath2cwd=False, **kw):
realcwd = realpath(kw.get('cwd', ''))
assert not (path0cwd2realpath and path0realpath2cwd)
def _(gpyoutv, stdpyoutv):
if path0cwd2realpath:
assert stdpyoutv[0] == ''
stdpyoutv[0] = realpath(kw.get('cwd', ''))
stdpyoutv[0] = realcwd
if path0realpath2cwd:
assert stdpyoutv[0] == realcwd
stdpyoutv[0] = ''
check_gpy_vs_py(argv, postprocessf=_, **kw)
check([], stdin=b'import print_syspath', cwd=testprog) # stdin
check([], stdin=b'import print_syspath', cwd=testprog, # stdin
path0realpath2cwd=(PY3 and is_pypy)) #
check(['-c', 'import print_syspath'], cwd=testprog) # -c
check(['-m', 'print_syspath'], cwd=testprog, # -m
path0cwd2realpath=(PY2 or is_pypy))
check(['testprog/'], cwd=here) # file
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