Commit cf13b95d authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

playbook/upgrader: avoid playbook-tmp getting corrupted

We had several cases of playbook-tmp becoming empty when
machines were unplugged at the wrong time. This happenned
because data was still in the buffer when machines were

The solution is to do a sync and then atomically change
parent e801a000
......@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
- file: path=/opt/upgrader/ state=directory mode=0755
- shell: rm -rf /opt/upgrader/tmp
- set_fact: new_playbook=decompressed-playbook-{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}
- shell: mkdir -p /opt/upgrader/tmp
- shell: mkdir -p /opt/upgrader/{{ new_playbook }}
- name: Periodically download the latest playbook
shell: /usr/local/bin/slapcache-download --destination=/opt/upgrader/archive.tar.gz
......@@ -57,22 +57,29 @@
- name: Uncompress
shell: tar -xzvf /opt/upgrader/archive.tar.gz
chdir: /opt/upgrader/tmp
chdir: /opt/upgrader/{{ new_playbook }}
- name: Check uncompressed archive sha256sum
shell: cd /opt/upgrader/tmp && find . -type f ! -name 'sha256sum' -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z | xargs -0 sha256sum | sha256sum --check sha256sum
shell: cd /opt/upgrader/{{ new_playbook }} && find . -type f ! -name 'sha256sum' -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z | xargs -0 sha256sum | sha256sum --check sha256sum
- shell: rm -rf /opt/upgrader/tmp
- shell: cp -R /opt/upgrader/tmp /opt/upgrader/playbook
- shell: ln -s /opt/upgrader/{{ new_playbook }} /opt/upgrader/tmp
- shell: cp -R /opt/upgrader/{{ new_playbook }} /opt/upgrader/playbook
when: playbook_folder.stat.exists == False
- stat: path=/opt/upgrader/tmp/hosts
register: hosts_file
- shell: rm -rf /opt/upgrader/playbook-tmp
# If the machine stops before syncing playbook-tmp will be corrupted
# If playbook-tmp is written non-atomically it might get corrupted
- shell: sync && mv -T /opt/upgrader/tmp /opt/upgrader/playbook-tmp
when: hosts_file.stat.exists == True
- shell: cp -R /opt/upgrader/tmp /opt/upgrader/playbook-tmp
when: hosts_file.stat.exists == True
- shell: rm -rf $(ls -d1t decompressed-playbook-*|tail -n+2)
chdir: /opt/upgrader
- name: Save new archive MD5
65410415ae8c0b4439e310301f60a60eb3804b51ff1beb5b26fccae345c3534b -
42c69aa7bf6f035eba065c25aa79ec23e442e39d8603a2168edebac9dc2f91d1 -
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