Commit d62a297c authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Require Zodbtools

After switching to ZODB >= 4 in the previous commit, we can safely
require zodbtools, because there is now no conflict in between
ZODB3/ZODB eggs.
parent 0802da2b
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from ZODB import DB
from ZODB import POSException
from ZODB.utils import p64, u64
from persistent import Persistent
import zodbtools.util
from weakref import WeakSet
import gc
......@@ -33,38 +34,8 @@ import pkg_resources
# open db storage by uri
def dbstoropen(uri):
# if we can - use zodbtools to open via zodburi
import zodbtools.util
except ImportError:
return _dbstoropen(uri)
return zodbtools.util.storageFromURL(uri)
# simplified fallback to open a storage by URI when zodbtools/zodburi are not available.
# ( they require ZODB, instead of ZODB3, and thus we cannot use
# them together with ZODB 3.10 which we still support )
def _dbstoropen(uri):
if uri.startswith('neo://'):
# XXX hacky, only 1 master supported
from neo.client.Storage import Storage
name, master = uri[6:].split('@', 1) # neo://db@master -> db, master
stor = Storage(master_nodes=master, name=name)
elif uri.startswith('zeo://'):
# XXX hacky
from ZEO.ClientStorage import ClientStorage
host, port = uri[6:].split(':',1) # zeo://host:port -> host, port
port = int(port)
stor = ClientStorage((host, port))
stor = FileStorage(uri)
return stor
# open stor/db/connection and return root obj
def dbopen(uri):
stor = dbstoropen(uri)
......@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ setup(
'numpy', # BigArray + its children
'ZODB >= 4', # for ZBigFile / ZBigArray
'zodbtools >= 0.0.0.dev8', # lib.zodb.dbstoropen + ...
'pygolang >= 0.0.2', # defer, sync.WaitGroup, ...
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