Commit e6f36298 authored by gsamain's avatar gsamain Committed by Xavier Thompson

Clean lock management for reifying messages

parent 0860fec0
......@@ -1331,6 +1331,16 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
if opt_arg_count:
# Locking CyObjects
# Here we completely ignore the lock mode (nolock/checklock/autolock)
# because the mode is used for direct calls, when the user have the possibility
# to manually lock or let the compiler handle it.
# Here, the user cannot lock manually, so we're taking the lock automatically.
put_cypclass_op_on_narg_optarg(lambda arg: "Cy_RLOCK" if arg.type.is_const else "Cy_WLOCK", reified_function_entry.type, message_opt_arg_attr_name, code)
op = "Cy_RLOCK" if reified_function_entry.type.is_const_method else "Cy_WLOCK"
code.putln("%s(this->%s);" % (op, target_object_cname))
does_return = reified_function_entry.type.return_type is not PyrexTypes.c_void_type
if does_return:
result_assignment = "%s = " % reified_function_entry.type.return_type.declaration_code("result")
......@@ -1341,6 +1351,8 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
", ".join("this->%s" % arg_cname for arg_cname in reified_call_args_list)
code.putln("Cy_UNLOCK(this->%s);" % target_object_cname)
put_cypclass_op_on_narg_optarg(lambda _: "Cy_UNLOCK", reified_function_entry.type, message_opt_arg_attr_name, code)
code.putln("/* Push result in the result object */")
if reified_function_entry.type.return_type is PyrexTypes.c_int_type:
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