Commit d7878100 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

test_slapproxy: Test diamond instance tree

Test that there cannot be two sub-sub-instances with the same name
within the same instance tree, i.e. that we can form diamonds.
parent 79439a13
......@@ -762,6 +762,22 @@ class TestRequest(MasterMixin):
self.request('http://sr//', None, 'MyFirstInstance', 'slappart2').getId(),
self.request('http://sr//', None, 'MyFirstInstance', 'slappart3').getId())
def test_diamond_instance_tree(self):
Two requests with same reference in the same
instance tree will return the same partition.
A --------> B #
\ \ #
\--> C ---> D #
a = self.request('http://sr//', None, 'A', None)
b = self.request('http://sr//', None, 'B', a.getId())
c = self.request('http://sr//', None, 'C', a.getId())
self.request('http://sr//', None, 'D', b.getId()).getId(),
self.request('http://sr//', None, 'D', c.getId()).getId())
def test_two_different_request_from_one_partition(self):
Two different request from same partition
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