Commit 1db0017f authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

sotware/theia: Add resiliency test

parent d3676015
Pipeline #14213 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
# Dummy
A very simple SR that is entirely self contained.
It doesn't depend on any files other than those it this directory.
In particular it doesn't extent stack/slapos.cfg.
It takes very little time to compile and deploy.
parts =
eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory}
develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
offline = true
recipe = plone.recipe.command
home = $${buildout:directory}
etc = $${:home}/etc
run = $${:etc}/run
command = mkdir -p $${:run}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = inline:#!/bin/sh
echo "Hello : $(date)" >> $${directory:home}/log.log
rendered = $${directory:run}/log-writer
mode = 700
find-links +=
parts =
versions = versions
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = plone.recipe.command
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance.cfg
mode = 0644
setuptools = 44.0.0
zc.buildout = 2.7.1+slapos010
zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.3+slapos003
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import re
import shutil
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
import pexpect
......@@ -74,6 +75,63 @@ class TheiaTestCase(SlapOSInstanceTestCase):
return None
class TheiaResiliencyTestCase(TheiaTestCase):
def _getLocalPath(cls, relative_path):
partition_root = cls.getPartitionPathWhere(cls.getSoftwareURL(), 'export')
absolute_path = os.path.join(partition_root, relative_path)
return absolute_path
def _doSlaposCommand(cls, command):
partition_root = cls.getPartitionPathWhere(cls.getSoftwareURL(), 'export')
slapos_bin = os.path.join(partition_root, 'srv', 'runner', 'bin', 'slapos')
output = subprocess.check_output((slapos_bin, ) + command)
return output
def _supplySoftwareRelease(self, software_url):
self._doSlaposCommand(('supply', software_url, 'slaprunner'))
def _waitForSoftwareBuild(self):
self._doSlaposCommand(('node', 'software'))
def _requestInstance(self, instance_name, software_url):
self._doSlaposCommand(('request', instance_name, software_url))
def _waitForInstanceDeploy(self):
self._doSlaposCommand(('node', 'instance'))
def _getTakeoverUrlAndPassword(self, scope="theia-1"):
parameter_dict = self.computer_partition.getConnectionParameterDict()
takeover_url = parameter_dict["takeover-%s-url" % scope]
takeover_password = parameter_dict["takeover-%s-password" % scope]
return takeover_url, takeover_password
def _getTakeoverState(self, takeover_url):
def getTakeoverPageContent():
resp = requests.get(takeover_url, verify=True)
self.assertEqual(, resp.status_code)
return resp.text
takeover_page_content = getTakeoverPageContent()
if "<b>Last valid backup:</b> No backup downloaded yet, takeover should not happen now." in takeover_page_content:
return "nothing"
elif "<b>Importer script(s) of backup in progress:</b> True" in takeover_page_content:
return "ongoing"
return "ready"
def _doTakeover(self, takeover_url, takeover_password):
resp = requests.get(
"%s?password=%s" % (takeover_url, takeover_password),
self.assertEqual(, resp.status_code)
self.assertNotIn("Error", resp.text, "An Error occured: %s" % resp.text)
self.assertIn("Success", resp.text, "'Success' not in '%s'" % resp.text)
return resp.text
# Utils
# -----
......@@ -296,3 +354,89 @@ class TestTheiaResilientWithSR(TestTheiaWithSR):
# Patch the computer root path to that of the export theia instance
path = cls.getPartitionPathWhere(cls.getSoftwareURL(), 'export')
cls.computer_partition_root_path = path
class TestTheiaBasicResilience(TheiaResiliencyTestCase):
instance_max_retry = 30
def getInstanceSoftwareType(cls):
return 'resilient'
def test_basic_dummy_resilience(self):
export_partition_id = self.getPartitionIdWhere(self.getSoftwareURL(), 'export')
import_partition_id = self.getPartitionIdWhere(self.getSoftwareURL(), 'import')
# Copy ./dummy SR in export theia ~/srv/project/dummy
dummy_target_path = self._getLocalPath('srv/project/dummy')
shutil.copytree('dummy', dummy_target_path)
dummy_software_url = os.path.join(dummy_target_path, 'software.cfg')
# Deploy dummy instance
self._requestInstance("dummy_instance", dummy_software_url)
# Check that dummy instance was properly deployed
relative_dummy_log_path = 'srv/runner/instance/slappart0/log.log'
with open(self._getLocalPath(relative_dummy_log_path), 'r') as f:
content =
self.assertTrue(content.startswith("Hello"), content)
# Call exporter script instead of waiting for cron job
# XXX Accelerate cron frequency instead ?
exporter_script = self._getLocalPath('bin/exporter')
transaction_id = str(int(time.time()))
subprocess.check_output((exporter_script, '--transaction-id', transaction_id))
# Get equeue.log file in import instance
import_partition_root = self.getPartitionPathWhere(self.getSoftwareURL(), 'import')
importer_log = os.path.join(import_partition_root, 'var', 'log', 'equeue.log')
def getFileContent(file_path):
with open(file_path) as f:
# Wait for importer to start
takeover_url, takeover_password = self._getTakeoverUrlAndPassword()
for _ in range(100):
takeover_state = self._getTakeoverState(takeover_url)
if takeover_state == "ready":
elif takeover_state == "nothing":
importer_log_content = getFileContent(importer_log)"Backup is not even started: %s" % importer_log_content)
else:"Backup is ongoing, waiting some more")
# Takeover
self._doTakeover(takeover_url, takeover_password)
# Wait for import instance to become export instance and new import to be allocated
previous_computer_partition = self.computer_partition
self.computer_partition = self.requestDefaultInstance()
# Check that the import instance became the export instance
new_export_partition_id = self.getPartitionIdWhere(self.getSoftwareURL(), 'export')
self.assertNotEqual(export_partition_id, import_partition_id)
self.assertEqual(import_partition_id, new_export_partition_id)
# Check that there is a new import instance
new_import_partition_id = self.getPartitionIdWhere(self.getSoftwareURL(), 'import')
self.assertNotEqual(export_partition_id, new_import_partition_id)
self.assertNotEqual(new_export_partition_id, new_import_partition_id)
# Check that the data was transfered over
with open(self._getLocalPath(relative_dummy_log_path), 'r') as f:
content_after =
self.assertTrue(content.startswith("Hello"), content)
self.assertTrue(content_after.startswith("Hello"), content_after)
self.assertIn(content, content_after, "%s not in %s" % (content, content_after))
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