Commit f36c4308 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

ors/amarisoft: Upgrade xlog to use logrotate

Rotate every 100MB over enb.xlog, enb.xlog.1, ... enb.xlog.9
parent a168fea6
......@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ md5sum = e0b68a87238282568e0e04c792ec7288
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 0ce4903f550b494399062e90a4e0e3a3
md5sum = ba704d02815e85f3ab30227f117c88ff
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-gnb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 84b1bd55e8887388cf5fd2cb7b5816d3
md5sum = b2a1816ceb8e7f475e71454e5389d091
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-core-network.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -144,13 +144,14 @@ drb_stats_logspec = x.drb_stats/${:period}s
{%- else %}
drb_stats_logspec =
{%- endif %}
rotatespec = 100MB.9
logspec = ${:stats_logspec} ${:drb_stats_logspec}
websock = ws://
xamari = {{ buildout_directory }}/bin/xamari
logfile = ${monitor-directory:public}/enb.xlog
inline =
exec ${:xamari} xlog ${:websock} ${:logspec} > ${:logfile}
exec ${:xamari} xlog --rotate ${:rotatespec} ${:websock} ${:logfile} ${:logspec}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
......@@ -145,13 +145,15 @@ drb_stats_logspec = x.drb_stats/${:period}s
{%- else %}
drb_stats_logspec =
{%- endif %}
rotatespec = 100MB.9
logspec = ${:stats_logspec} ${:drb_stats_logspec}
logspec = ${:stats_logspec} ${:drb_stats_logspec}
websock = ws://
xamari = {{ buildout_directory }}/bin/xamari
logfile = ${monitor-directory:public}/gnb.xlog
inline =
exec ${:xamari} xlog ${:websock} ${:logspec} > ${:logfile}
exec ${:xamari} xlog --rotate ${:rotatespec} ${:websock} ${:logfile} ${:logspec}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ interpreter = pythonwitheggs
recipe =
repository =
revision = 58220253
revision = e716ab51
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
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