Commit 33679833 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Add support for naming bases.

parent 55dd1135
......@@ -664,14 +664,31 @@ class AggregateSiteUrl(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
action = base_action = self.__argument_to_aggregator[option_string]
dest = getattr(namespace, self.dest)
for value in values:
site_list, site_caption_dict = getattr(namespace, self.dest)
next_value = iter(values).next
while True:
value = next_value()
except StopIteration:
if value in site_caption_dict:
raise ValueError('Duplicate base: %r' % value)
if action is not None and value[0] == '+':
caption = value[1:]
value = next_value()
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError('No base follows caption %r' % value)
caption = value
site_caption_dict[value] = caption
caption = None
match = re.compile(value).match
if base_action is not None:
match_suffix = re.compile(value + '(?P<suffix>.*)').match
action = partial(base_action,
suffix=lambda x: match_suffix(x).group('suffix'))
dest.append((value, match, action))
site_list.append((value, match, action))
def _asMonthString(timestamp):
dt, _ = timestamp.split(' ')
......@@ -778,7 +795,7 @@ period_parser = {
unquoteToHtml = lambda x, encoding: escape(unquote(x).decode(encoding))
def asHTML(out, encoding, per_site, args, default_site, period_parameter_dict,
stats, site_caption_dict):
period = period_parameter_dict['period']
decimator = period_parameter_dict['decimator']
date_format = period_parameter_dict['date_format']
......@@ -821,10 +838,9 @@ def asHTML(out, encoding, per_site, args, default_site, period_parameter_dict,
for date, hit in sorted(hit_per_day.iteritems(), key=ITEMGETTER0):
out.write('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (date, hit))
for site_id, data in per_site.iteritems():
if site_id is None:
site_id = default_site
out.write('<h1>Site: %s</h1>' % unquoteToHtml(site_id, encoding))
for site_id, data in sorted(per_site.iteritems(), key=ITEMGETTER0):
out.write('<h1>Site: %s</h1>' % unquoteToHtml(site_caption_dict.get(
site_id, site_id), encoding))
apdex_data = data.getApdexData()
if apdex_data:
......@@ -942,10 +958,14 @@ def main():
'Arguments (except for -d/--default) are interpreted as Python regexes. '
'Literal values are expected urlencoded. For example: '
'--base "/%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%8C%96%E3%81%91(/|$|\\?)" matches '
'"/\xe6\x96\x87\xe5\xad\x97\xe5\x8c\x96\xe3\x81\x91" ("mojibake").')
'"/\xe6\x96\x87\xe5\xad\x97\xe5\x8c\x96\xe3\x81\x91" ("mojibake").'
'You can name matched entries by providing a name before the regex,'
'prefixed by "+". For example: --base +foo "/foo(/|$|\\?)" '
'"/bar(/|$|\\?)" "+baz boo" "/baz(/|$|\\?)" will defines 3 bases, named'
'"foo", "/bar(/|$|\\?)" and "baz boo" respectively.')
group.add_argument('-d', '--default',
help='Caption for lines matching no prefix, or skip them if not provided.')
group.add_argument('--base', dest='path', default=[], nargs='+',
group.add_argument('--base', dest='path', default=([], {}), nargs='+',
help='Absolute base url(s) of some part of a site.')
group.add_argument('--erp5-base', dest='path', nargs='+',
......@@ -1014,7 +1034,7 @@ def main():
period = args.period
asDate, decimator, graph_period, date_format, placeholder_delta, \
round_date = period_parser[period]
site_list = args.path
site_list, site_caption_dict = args.path
default_site = args.default
if default_site is None:
default_action = None
......@@ -1024,6 +1044,7 @@ def main():
default_action = partial(GenericSiteStats, suffix=lambda x: x)
site_caption_dict[None] = default_site
infile_list = args.logfile
quiet = args.quiet
threshold = args.apdex
......@@ -1168,7 +1189,9 @@ def main():
'no_url_lines': no_url_lines,
'skipped_lines': skipped_lines,
'skipped_user_agent': skipped_user_agent,
if __name__ == '__main__':
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