Leo Le Bouter authored
To install the dracut module on your current system, change into the dracut.module directory then run: ``` $ ERP5_USER="user" ERP5_PASS="pass" \ ERP5_BASE_URL="https://example.local/erp5" \ make $ sudo make install ``` To uninstall: ``` $ sudo make uninstall ``` Then in a dracut.conf file, to include it you can add: ``` add_dracutmodules="metadata-collect" ``` You will also need to append "ip=dhcp rd.neednet=1" to the kernel_cmdline directive inside the dracut.conf so that the initramfs requests networking for the agent to upload results. Make sure the dracut network modules are installed, on Debian that is the dracut-network package. You can otherwise check their presence using: ``` $ dracut --list-modules | grep network ``` There you should see a few modules.