Commit ce3be333 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

slapos_cloud/SlapOSTestCaseMixin: Allow to define fake return to the simulatedScript

parent ec5df04c
......@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ class SlapOSTestCaseMixin(testSlapOSMixin):
# Set of methods to help test alarms and to see if the script was called
def _simulateScript(self, script_name):
def _simulateScript(self, script_name, fake_return=""):
if script_name in self.portal.portal_skins.custom.objectIds():
raise ValueError('Precondition failed: %s exists in custom' % script_name)
......@@ -620,7 +620,8 @@ class SlapOSTestCaseMixin(testSlapOSMixin):
'*args, **kwargs',
'# Script body\n'
"""portal_workflow = context.portal_workflow
portal_workflow.doActionFor(context, action='edit_action', comment='Visited by %s') """ % script_name )
portal_workflow.doActionFor(context, action='edit_action', comment='Visited by %s')
return %s""" % (script_name, fake_return ))
def _dropScript(self, script_name):
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