Commit 08213670 authored by Kai Lautaportti's avatar Kai Lautaportti

Added support for running arbitrary python scripts at fixed points of the

build process. This adds significant control over the whole build process.

git-svn-id: b96f28ea-bbdf-0310-b3b3-e15a02b9f88d
parent ef053caa
......@@ -44,6 +44,28 @@ patches
List of patch files to the applied to the extracted source. Each
file should be given on a separate line.
Custom python script that will be executed before running the
``configure`` script. The format of the options is::
where the first part is a filesystem path to the python module and
the second part is the name of the callable in the module that
will be called. The callable will be passed two parameters: the
``options`` dictionary from the recipe and the global ``buildout``
dictionary. The callable is not expected to return anything.
Custom python script that will be executed before running
``make``. The format and semantics are the same as with the
``pre-configure-hook`` option.
Custom python script that will be executed after running
``make``. The format and semantics are the same as with the
``pre-configure-hook`` option.
Switch to optionally keep the temporary directory where the
package was compiled. This is mostly useful for other recipes that
......@@ -72,6 +94,7 @@ We'll use a simple tarball to demonstrate the recipe.
>>> import os.path
>>> src = join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testdata')
>>> ls(src)
d .svn
- package-0.0.0.tar.gz
The package contains a dummy ``configure`` script that will simply
......@@ -147,9 +170,79 @@ targets and also patches the source code before the scripts are run.
installing patched package
installing patched package-lib
Sometimes even the above is not enough and you need to be able to
control the process in even more detail. One such use case would be to
perform dynamic substitutions on the source code (possible based on
information from the buildout) which cannot be done with static
patches or to simply run arbitrary commands.
The recipe allows you to write custom python scripts that hook into
the build process. You can define a script to be run:
- before the configure script is executed (pre-configure-hook)
- before the make process is executed (pre-make-hook)
- after the make process is finished (post-make-hook)
Each option needs to contain the following information
where the callable object (here name_of_callable) is expected to take
two parameters, the ``options`` dictionary from the recipe and the
global ``buildout`` dictionary.
Let's create a simple python script to demonstrate the
functionality. You can naturally have separate scripts for each hook
or simply use just one or two hooks, here we just use a single module.
>>> hooks = tmpdir('hooks')
>>> write(hooks, '',
... """
... import logging
... log = logging.getLogger('hook')
... def preconfigure(options, buildout):
...'This is pre-configure-hook!')
... def premake(options, buildout):
...'This is pre-make-hook!')
... def postmake(options, buildout):
...'This is post-make-hook!')
... """)
and a new buildout to try it out
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = hexagonit.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%(src)s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-configure-hook = %(module)s:preconfigure
... pre-make-hook = %(module)s:premake
... post-make-hook = %(module)s:postmake
... """ % dict(src=src, module='%s/' % hooks))
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: Using a cached copy from /sample_buildout/downloads/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
package: Extracting package to /tmp/...
package: Executing pre-configure-hook
hook: This is pre-configure-hook!
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
package: Executing pre-make-hook
hook: This is pre-make-hook!
building package
installing package
package: Executing post-make-hook
hook: This is post-make-hook!
For more specific needs you can write your own recipe that uses
For even more specific needs you can write your own recipe that uses
``hexagonit.recipe.cmmi`` and set the ``keep-compile-dir`` option to
``true``. You can then continue from where this recipe finished by
reading the location of the compile directory from
``options['compile-directory']`` from your own recipe.
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import logging
import urllib
import shutil
import md5
import imp
import os
......@@ -28,6 +29,17 @@ class Recipe:
def update(self):
def call_script(self, script):
"""This method is copied from z3c.recipe.runscript.
See for details.
filename, callable = script.split(':')
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
module = imp.load_source('script', filename)
# Run the script with all options
getattr(module, callable.strip())(self.options, self.buildout)
def run(self, cmd):
log = logging.getLogger(
if os.system(cmd):
......@@ -75,10 +87,23 @@ class Recipe:
for patch in patches:'%s %s < %s' % (patch_cmd, patch_options, patch))
if 'pre-configure-hook' in self.options:'Executing pre-configure-hook')
self.call_script(self.options['pre-configure-hook'])'./configure --prefix=%s %s' % (self.options['prefix'], configure_options))
if 'pre-make-hook' in self.options:'Executing pre-make-hook')
self.call_script(self.options['pre-make-hook'])'%s %s' % (make_cmd, make_targets))
if 'post-make-hook' in self.options:'Executing post-make-hook')
log.error('Compilation error. The package is left as is at %s where '
'you can inspect what went wrong' % os.getcwd())
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import os
version = '0.0.0'
version = '1.0.0'
name = 'hexagonit.recipe.cmmi'
def read(*rnames):
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ def read(*rnames):
description="zc.buildout recipe for ...",
description="zc.buildout recipe for compiling and installing source distributions.",
long_description= (
+ '\n' +
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