An error occurred fetching the project authors.
- 22 Dec, 2022 1 commit
Levin Zimmermann authored
New WC2 alpha release provides us with various small fixes: nexedi/wendelin.core@5e5ad598...7ce0978d It also prepares upgrading SlapOS go default version to v1.18 (WC2 alpha2 doesn't work with go1.18). Tests passed: /reviewed-on nexedi/slapos!1309
- 02 Feb, 2022 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Pick up nexedi/wendelin.core@3d0f134c to fix build on Python3.
- 27 Jan, 2022 2 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
Finishing touches to release wendelin.core 2.0.alpha2: - Switch to using File IO provided by Pygolang - Fix build_dso on clean checkout (not relevant for SlapOS) nexedi/wendelin.core@11e023cf...ad6305c0 Tested via: ERP5: Wendelin:
Kirill Smelkov authored
This upgrade prepares wendelin.core to be forward-compatible with upcoming pygolang upgrade. It also brings in fixes to several crashes caught by first on-field usage. See nexedi/wendelin.core@49f826b1...11e023cf for details. /reviewed-by @jerome /reviewed-on nexedi/slapos!1120
- 16 Nov, 2021 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Update to wendelin.core 2, which reached its alpha state. Even though it is wendelin.core 2, it continues to work by default in wendelin.core 1 mode with providing the same stability guarantees as before. This mode works with all ZODB4, ZODB4-wc2 and ZODB5. However every Zope has its own private cache for ZBigFile data which wastes RAM, prevents us to use as many Zopes as there are CPU cores, and potentially leads to OOM issues where one Zope tend to allocate whole memory while other Zopes cannot allocate even a single page. This mode, as well as previous Wendelin.core 1, is also subject to data-corruption that can happen on ZBigFile's BTree topology change: nexedi/wendelin.core@8c32c9f6 WCFS mode - that is what wendelin.core 2 actually provides over wendelin.core 1 - is currently opt-in. When used in "WCFS mode", all Zopes share cache for ZBigFile data and there should be no data corruption. This mode works with both ZODB4-wc2 and ZODB5, but not with plain ZODB4. The way to opt-in into this mode for a software-release is to set `erp5-defaults:wcfs-enable-default = true`, like SlapOS Master currently does: # SlapOS Master needs to use Wendelin.core 2. # Wendelin.core 2 works with either ZODB4-wc2, or ZODB5, but not with ZODB4. # ERP5 does not currently work with ZODB5. # -> this leaves ZODB4-wc2 as the only choice. [ZODB] major = 4-wc2 [erp5-defaults] wcfs-enable-default = true Remove activate-WC2-preview.cfg as wendelin.core 2 is no longer draft and there should be no need to use my personal repository and dirty branch anymore.
- 30 Jun, 2021 1 commit
Jérome Perrin authored
On wendlin.core 2, wcfs uses which uses zlib. We also need to instruct linker to set a rpath for slapos' zlib, otherwise the system one will be used. Suggested by Kirill on nexedi/slapos!1007 (comment 136801)
- 16 Mar, 2021 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Factor-out things that provide components for ZODB stack from software/neoppod/ into component/ZODB/.
- 02 Mar, 2021 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
The component remains on wendelin.core 1, but the build environment is adjusted so that both (any of) wendelin.core 1 or wendelin.core 2 could be built: - Add zodbtools that wendelin.core 2 requires, - Add Go and zlib to gowork that are neede to build WCFS.
- 07 Dec, 2020 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Having only one section [wendelin.core] instead of [wendelin.core] and [wendelin.core-dev] is easier to handle in "we want to use such and such particular version" scenarious without deciding in advance whether an SR needs to inherit from wendelin/software.cfg or wendelin/software-dev.cfg /reviewed-on nexedi/slapos!874
- 20 Nov, 2020 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Without referencing component/numpy/ numpy will be installed from just PyPI.
- 20 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Starting from 0.14 (aka 2) wendelin.core requires pygolang to be present both at runtime and at build time.
- 09 Apr, 2020 1 commit
Ivan Tyagov authored
Starting from nexedi/ gitclone should have built-in support for submodules. Credit: Kirill.
- 21 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored is now our main domain for git hosting. continues to work for backward-compatibility reasons. /reviewed-by: TrustMe
- 05 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Because git is used in `python sdist` we need to make sure it is available at runtime (at time when sdist happens), or else installation could fail. Since zc.recipe.egg:develop now supports setting environment variables ) and we use the proper version of it in slapos stack: we can just set environment with git being in PATH and fix it this way. /cc @Tyagov, @kazuhiko, @jerome /reviewed testbot(building ok), trustme
- 14 May, 2015 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
In 2d7e6179 (wendelin.core: Add part/recipe how to build it from git repository) I've added wendelin.core-dev part, but forgot to set :egg variable inside it. Reviewed-by: Trust-me
- 04 May, 2015 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Quoting @jerome: @kirr, we usually extends component/git/buildout.cfg and use ${git:location}/bin/git instead of git, in case git is not always in the path, especially in webrunner.
- 29 Apr, 2015 3 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
There is now wendelin.core and wendelin.core-dev parts. wendelin.core just installs released egg from pypi, and wendelin.core-dev installs it from latest git version. A reminder how to use wendelin.core-dev instead of wendelin.core: if your buildout.cfg [buildout] # directly or indirectly extends = ..../wendelin.core/buildout.cfg then at tails, do [buildout] parts -= wendelin.core parts += wendelin.core-dev This way wendelin.core will be fetched from git repository.
Kirill Smelkov authored
.core is part of the software name, and buildout allows dot inside a name.
Ivan Tyagov authored