Commit 38aeb326 authored by Yohann D'Anello's avatar Yohann D'Anello

Store neighbours of neighbours and ping them regurally

Signed-off-by: Yohann D'Anello's avatarYohann D'ANELLO <>
parent 5744a9dd
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import errno, json, logging, os, platform, random, socket
import subprocess, struct, sys, time, weakref
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from bisect import bisect, insort
from datetime import datetime
from OpenSSL import crypto
from . import ctl, plib, rina, utils, version, x509
......@@ -206,6 +207,9 @@ class BaseTunnelManager(object):
self.cache = cache
self._connecting = set()
self._connection_dict = {}
self._neighbours_of_neighbours = {}
self._sent_pings_distance_2 = {}
self._received_pings_distance_2 = {}
self._served = defaultdict(dict)
self._version = cache.version
self._conf_country = conf_country
......@@ -535,9 +539,16 @@ class BaseTunnelManager(object):
# The peer announced its neighbours
plen = len(self._prefix)
prefixes = [msg[i * plen:(i + 1) * plen] for i in range(len(msg) // plen)]
# FIXME Store neighbours of the peer instead of printing them
print(utils.ipFromBin(self._network + peer) + " has neighbours: "
+ str(list(map(lambda prefix: utils.ipFromBin(self._network + prefix), prefixes))))
self._neighbours_of_neighbours[peer] = prefixes
elif code == 9: # ping
if msg == "\x00":
# Pong !
self.sendto(peer, '\x09\x01')
elif msg == "\x01":
self._received_pings_distance_2.setdefault(peer, [])
print("[ping] Unknown code: " + msg)
def askInfo(self, prefix):
return self.sendto(prefix, '\4' + self._info(True))
......@@ -802,6 +813,27 @@ class TunnelManager(BaseTunnelManager):
# Try to contact neighbours of neighbours
neighbours_order_2 = set()
for neighbours in self._neighbours_of_neighbours.values():
# Don't considerate our neighbours, they have a distance 1
# Try to ping distant nodes
for node in neighbours_order_2:
self.sendto(node, '\x09\x00')
self._sent_pings_distance_2.setdefault(node, [])
# Store the sent ping
# Clean old pings
self._sent_pings_distance_2 = {k: [d for d in v if ( - d).seconds < 60]
for k, v in self._sent_pings_distance_2.items()}
self._received_pings_distance_2 = {k: [d for d in v if ( - d).seconds < 60]
for k, v in self._received_pings_distance_2.items()}
def babel_dump(self):
t = time.time()
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