Commit e3464a00 authored by Guillaume Bury's avatar Guillaume Bury

Changed starting openvpn function for new script names

parent 410f51c4
......@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ def server(ip, pipe_fd, *args, **kw):
return openvpn(
'--mode', 'server',
'--up', 'up-server %s/%u' % (ip, len(utils.config.vifibnet)),
'--client-connect', 'client-connect ' + str(pipe_fd),
'--client-disconnect', 'client-connect ' + str(pipe_fd),
'--up', 'openvpn-up-server %s/%u' % (ip, len(utils.config.vifibnet)),
'--client-connect', 'openvpn-server-events ' + str(pipe_fd),
'--client-disconnect', 'openvpn-server-events ' + str(pipe_fd),
'--dh', utils.config.dh,
'--max-clients', str(utils.config.max_clients),
*args, **kw)
......@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ def client(serverIp, pipe_fd, *args, **kw):
'--remote', serverIp,
'--up', 'up-client',
'--route-up', 'route-up ' + str(pipe_fd),
'--up', 'openvpn-up-client',
'--route-up', 'openvpn-route-up ' + str(pipe_fd),
*args, **kw)
def startBabel(**kw):
args = ['babeld',
'-C', 'redistribute local ip %s' % (utils.config.internal_ip),
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