Commit de3a7c33 authored by Lingnan Wu's avatar Lingnan Wu

delete the useless function

parent 9b3f1952
......@@ -274,23 +274,11 @@ class OOoDocument(OOoDocumentExtensibleTraversableMixin, BaseConvertableFileMixi
# XXX: handle possible OOOd server failure
return response_dict['mime'], Pdata(dec(response_dict['data']))
def asPresentationHTML(self, **kw):
The start presentation page is different from the html of
other iframe
mime, data = self._convert('html',**kw)
data = self.Presentation_renderWithNavigation(data=self._stripHTML(html=data)).encode('utf-8')
return data
def getPresentationFileNameList(self, **kw):
The start presentation page is different from the html of
other iframe
Get the file list of name of the converted file
if not self.hasData():
return 'text/plain', ''
format ="html"
original_format = format
allowed_format_list = self.getTargetFormatList()
Markdown is supported
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