1. 02 May, 2019 3 commits
  2. 29 Apr, 2019 3 commits
  3. 26 Apr, 2019 2 commits
  4. 25 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  5. 24 Apr, 2019 5 commits
    • Sebastien Robin's avatar
      task_distribution: better distribute the work depending on the priority of test suites · 245e514a
      Sebastien Robin authored
      Before we were looking only create date of test results to give priority of work to do for a test nodes.
      So we had cases where some test suites with medium priority had 5 testnodes, and test suites with
      high priority having only 3 testnodes.
      So clearly distribute the work depending on the maximum quantity of testnode we want.
    • Sebastien Robin's avatar
      test result: immediately redraft test result line on task failure · fe3bf27f
      Sebastien Robin authored
      Right now we have this scenario:
      - test result line is started
      - sometimes, runTestSuite fails (like timeout), failure is reported
        but test result line remains started (we don't know yet which
        line is associated with testnode)
      - when a test result line is "started" since more than 4 hours,
        test result line is redrafted
      - test can be reexecuted
      Speed up by removing the need of waiting alarm, by knowing which
      test result line is executed by which test node, and by redrafting
      immediately the test result line on test node failure
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      ERP5Type: Allow overriding _getAcquireLocalRoles . · 58d4ab8e
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      Put auto-generated _getAcquireLocalRoles at the end of mro, removing it
      from Base.
      Also, document why it is treated specially here.
      Also, add _getAcquireLocalRoles methods on a few leaf classes whose
      instances fake being portal types, without actually being proper document
      instances. At least, the ones which are detected in unit tests. The
      proper fix would likely rather be to make them proper document classes,
      but this carries data migration concerns which go beyond the scope of
      this regression fix (_getAcquireLocalRoles was not possible to override
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
  6. 23 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  7. 19 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  8. 18 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  9. 17 Apr, 2019 9 commits
  10. 16 Apr, 2019 2 commits
  11. 15 Apr, 2019 2 commits
  12. 12 Apr, 2019 3 commits
  13. 10 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  14. 05 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  15. 04 Apr, 2019 5 commits
    • Tristan Cavelier's avatar
    • Tristan Cavelier's avatar
    • Tristan Cavelier's avatar
      [erp5_web_renderjs_ui] allow filter editor to select searched unknown column ids · 967ac690
      Tristan Cavelier authored
      - local_roles: ( Assignee OR Assignor ) AND other_unknown_id: value
          [All criterions (AND)_______ v]
          [-][local_roles_____________ v] -> |Type             |  -.
             [Equal to (at least one)_ v]    |Modification Date|   :
             [Assignee________________  ]    |Title            |   :
             [Assignor________________  ]    |Reference        |   :
             [________________________  ]    |Description      |   : search_column_list
                                             |State            |   :
          [-][other_unknown_id________ v]    |Searchable Text  |   :
             [Equal to________________ v]    |Search Expression|  -'
             [value___________________  ]    |local_roles      |  -.
                                             |other_unknown_id |  -' additional_search_column_list
    • Tristan Cavelier's avatar
      [erp5_web_renderjs_ui] Add "Equal to (at least one)" operator in filter editor · 3cd1b20e
      Tristan Cavelier authored
      - the "Equal to (at least one)" operator is displayed in the same listbox as "Equal to" and "Contains" ;
      - this filter item can have multiple input value field ;
      - one input value field has to be filled (required) like on the other filter items ;
      - when extended_search is `title: ( "One" OR "Two" )`, behavior changed :
          ________before________  ______________now______________
               Filter Editor               Filter Editor
          [ At least one (OR) v]  [ All criterions (AND)______ v]
          [-][ Title_________ v]  [-][ Title__________________ v]
             [ Equal to______ v]     [ Equal to (at least one) v]
             [ One___________ x]     [ One____________________ x]
          [-][ Title_________ v]     [ Two____________________ x]
             [ Equal to______ v]     [ _______________________  ]
             [ Two___________ x]  [+]
               Search bar                  Search bar
          [One][Two][ _______  ]  [One][Two][ ________________  ]
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      [erp5_hal_json_style/erp5_web_renderjs_ui] Add copy/paste actions · e22aebf1
      Romain Courteaud authored
      Activate copy/paste/delete buttons on form list and form view.
      When selection listbox lines, only use what is visible / checked.
      This is required because of list methods which do not support catalog queries.
      This changes the behaviour of mass workflow transition action and delete action,
      but at least, it is consistent everywhere now, and so, easier to explain (what you see is what you change).