1. 01 Jul, 2015 6 commits
  2. 30 Jun, 2015 5 commits
  3. 11 Jun, 2015 12 commits
  4. 10 Jun, 2015 8 commits
  5. 12 Apr, 2015 2 commits
  6. 07 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  7. 20 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  8. 08 Jan, 2015 3 commits
  9. 07 Jan, 2015 2 commits
    • Marius Gedminas's avatar
      Use 'rcN' for release candidate versions in tests · ace153c1
      Marius Gedminas authored
      Recent setuptools versions changed the canonical spelling of release
      candidate versions from 'cN' to 'rcN'.  Using the older spelling causes
      a UserWarning about the version requiring normalization, and test
      failures where the expected output contains a different (normalized)
      version number.
      For the record, the UserWarning looks like this:
      UserWarning: The version specified requires normalization, consider
      using '1.2rc1' instead of '1.2c1'.
      and the failures can be seen at
    • Tres Seaver's avatar
      Changelog entry for #225. · 2df16fd1
      Tres Seaver authored