Commit 2c65bec3 authored by zhifan huang's avatar zhifan huang

test: add for tests

parent 70edd01f
If you clone this repo directly, you should add re6stnet to PYTHONPATH, so
python can find module re6st
To run all the tests, you have two methods: one is by creating a new user
namespace, the other is by using root privileges.
* `unshare -Unr bash -c "mount -t sysfs /sys & python -m unittest discover"`
* `python -m unittest discover`
The mount of /sys is because nemu will read files in /sys.
When creating a new network namespace, the exiting network devices will not
disappear, and a re-mount is needed to update /sys.
If you want to only run the unit tests `python -m unittest discover` is ok,
the network tests will be skipped.
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