- 24 Oct, 2016 2 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
- 22 Oct, 2016 1 commit
olivier R-D authored
- 21 Oct, 2016 2 commits
ORD authored
* also export namespace of referenced nodes * xmlexport: also export ns used in browsename * __str__ for NodeData * heavy cleanup of xmlimporter * more xml import fixes * fix importing lists of primitives * export and import array dimensions * fix by-ref error * remove debug print * fix xml test * do not store ns uri when not necessary * sdfsdfsd
Andrew authored
* Guid as a primitive UA Guids based on python UUID type * Guid primitive fixes, import datetime * Fix Guid NodeId, typos, tests * Add guid test, python 2.7 fixes * Guid fixes for modeler * Pep fixes for edited files * Fix pep refactor * Remove string check for datime/guid this function assumes correct value is supplied, update doc string
- 19 Oct, 2016 2 commits
SCHUNK-Osswald authored
* - added tools/uacall script * As suggested by oroulet corrected misunderstandings in signature of Node.call_method(). No parent needed, just use self. * Old folks, knowing Python2.x only, keep forgetting that print should have been a function in the first place...
Maxime Puys authored
Added support for Double and Float value extensions in XML importer.
- 14 Oct, 2016 4 commits
Marcel authored
* move ns relative functionality from parser to importer * move rel ns handling to xml_import * also move working version of _sort_nodes_by_parentid to xmlimport * because moved methods updated test_unit.py
olivier R-D authored
mvdweert authored
mvdweert authored
- 12 Oct, 2016 3 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
- 10 Oct, 2016 5 commits
ORD authored
add export import xml tests and fix et obj related bug
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
This reverts commit 3f750a92.
olivier R-D authored
zerox1212 authored
Only create an argument if needed Create argument properties in the same namespace as the parent method
- 09 Oct, 2016 4 commits
olivier R-D authored
Andrew authored
* Add link_method to server shortcut to linking python functions to UA Method nodes, for example after instantiating an object from object type which has a method. * Use better path to session
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
- 08 Oct, 2016 1 commit
olivier R-D authored
- 07 Oct, 2016 3 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
AlexejStukov authored
* Prevent the UASocketClient from hanging Added a timeout to the socket connection that prevents the ``UASocketClient`` from hanging on ``_receive`` in ``_run``. * introduces new socket_timeout * added socket_timeout to Client * fixed small bug * added timeout handling to SocketWrapper
- 23 Sep, 2016 2 commits
AlexejStukov authored
Fix for #307
olivier R-D authored
- 22 Sep, 2016 6 commits
olivier R-D authored
ORD authored
Fix more issues if re-exporting DI schema
Stefan Profanter authored
Stefan Profanter authored
Stefan Profanter authored
Stefan Profanter authored
- 21 Sep, 2016 5 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
ORD authored
Xmlexporter fixes
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored