Commit bad93a3a authored by da-woods's avatar da-woods Committed by GitHub

Deduplicate tuples containing IdentifierStringNode (GH-4353)

Compiling was creating hundreds of tuples containing ("self", "env") for example, because it wasn't able to match and deduplicate them.
parent 26e544c7
......@@ -209,6 +209,11 @@ def make_dedup_key(outer_type, item_nodes):
# For constants, look at the Python value type if we don't know the concrete Cython type.
else (node.type, node.constant_result,
type(node.constant_result) if node.type is py_object_type else None) if node.has_constant_result()
# IdentifierStringNode doesn't usually have a "constant_result" set because:
# 1. it doesn't usually have unicode_value
# 2. it's often created later in the compilation process after ConstantFolding
# but should be cacheable
else (node.type, node.value, node.unicode_value, "IdentifierStringNode") if isinstance(node, IdentifierStringNode)
else None # something we cannot handle => short-circuit below
for node in item_nodes
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
cimport cython
module_level_tuple = (1,2,3)
second_module_level_tuple = (1,2,3) # should be deduplicated to be the same as the first
string_module_level_tuple = ("1", "2")
string_module_level_tuple2 = ("1", "2")
def return_module_level_tuple():
......@@ -10,6 +13,32 @@ def return_module_level_tuple():
return module_level_tuple
def test_deduplicated_tuples():
>>> test_deduplicated_tuples()
assert (module_level_tuple is second_module_level_tuple)
assert (module_level_tuple is (1,2,3)) # also deduplicated with a function tuple
assert (string_module_level_tuple is string_module_level_tuple2)
assert (string_module_level_tuple is ("1", "2"))
def func1(arg1, arg2):
def func2(arg1, arg2):
def test_deduplicated_args():
>>> test_deduplicated_args()
# This is a concern because in large modules *a lot* of similar code objects
# are generated often with the same argument names. Therefore it's worth ensuring that
# they are correctly deduplicated
import sys
if not hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"): # test doesn't work on PyPy (which is probably fair enough)
assert func1.__code__.co_varnames is func2.__code__.co_varnames
"//TupleNode[@is_literal = true]")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//TupleNode[@is_literal = false]")
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