• brakmo's avatar
    bpf: HBM test script · 4ffd44cf
    brakmo authored
    Script for testing HBM (Host Bandwidth Manager) framework.
    It creates a cgroup to use for testing and load a BPF program to limit
    egress bandwidht. It then uses iperf3 or netperf to create
    loads. The output is the goodput in Mbps (unless -D is used).
    It can work on a single host using loopback or among two hosts (with netperf).
    When using loopback, it is recommended to also introduce a delay of at least
    1ms (-d=1), otherwise the assigned bandwidth is likely to be underutilized.
    USAGE: $name [out] [-b=<prog>|--bpf=<prog>] [-c=<cc>|--cc=<cc>] [-D]
                 [-d=<delay>|--delay=<delay>] [--debug] [-E]
                 [-f=<#flows>|--flows=<#flows>] [-h] [-i=<id>|--id=<id >] [-l]
    	     [-N] [-p=<port>|--port=<port>] [-P] [-q=<qdisc>]
                 [-R] [-s=<server>|--server=<server] [--stats]
    	     [-t=<time>|--time=<time>] [-w] [cubic|dctcp]
        out               Egress (default egress)
        -b or --bpf       BPF program filename to load and attach.
                          Default is nrm_out_kern.o for egress,
        -c or -cc         TCP congestion control (cubic or dctcp)
        -d or --delay     Add a delay in ms using netem
        -D                In addition to the goodput in Mbps, it also outputs
                          other detailed information. This information is
                          test dependent (i.e. iperf3 or netperf).
        --debug           Print BPF trace buffer
        -E                Enable ECN (not required for dctcp)
        -f or --flows     Number of concurrent flows (default=1)
        -i or --id        cgroup id (an integer, default is 1)
        -l                Do not limit flows using loopback
        -N                Use netperf instead of iperf3
        -h                Help
        -p or --port      iperf3 port (default is 5201)
        -P                Use an iperf3 instance for each flow
        -q                Use the specified qdisc.
        -r or --rate      Rate in Mbps (default 1s 1Gbps)
        -R                Use TCP_RR for netperf. 1st flow has req
                          size of 10KB, rest of 1MB. Reply in all
                          cases is 1 byte.
                          More detailed output for each flow can be found
                          in the files netperf.<cg>.<flow>, where <cg> is the
                          cgroup id as specified with the -i flag, and <flow>
                          is the flow id starting at 1 and increasing by 1 for
                          flow (as specified by -f).
        -s or --server    hostname of netperf server. Used to create netperf
                          test traffic between to hosts (default is within host)
                          netserver must be running on the host.
        --stats           Get HBM stats (marked, dropped, etc.)
        -t or --time      duration of iperf3 in seconds (default=5)
        -w                Work conserving flag. cgroup can increase its
                          bandwidth beyond the rate limit specified
                          while there is available bandwidth. Current
                          implementation assumes there is only one NIC
                          (eth0), but can be extended to support multiple
                          NICs. This is just a proof of concept.
        cubic or dctcp    specify TCP CC to use
     ./do_hbm_test.sh -l -d=1 -D --stats
         Runs a 5 second test, using a single iperf3 flow and with the default
         rate limit of 1Gbps and a delay of 1ms (using netem) using the default
         TCP congestion control on the loopback device (hence we use "-l" to
         enforce bandwidth limit on loopback device). Since no direction is
         specified, it defaults to egress. Since no TCP CC algorithm is
         specified it uses the system default (Cubic for this test).
         With no -D flag, only the value of the AGGREGATE OUTPUT would show.
         id refers to the cgroup id and is useful when running multi cgroup
         tests (supported by a future patch).
         This patchset does not support calling TCP's congesion window
         reduction, even when packets are dropped by the BPF program, resulting
         in a large number of packets dropped. It is recommended that the  current
         HBM implemenation only be used with ECN enabled flows. A future patch
         will add support for reducing TCP's cwnd and will increase the
         performance of non-ECN enabled flows.
         Details for HBM in cgroup 1
         duration:4.8 secs
         pkts_marked_percent: 39.60
         bytes_marked_percent: 49.49
         pkts_dropped_percent: 39.60
         bytes_dropped_percent: 49.49
         PING AVG DELAY:2.075
    ./do_nrm_test.sh -l -d=1 -D --stats dctcp
         Same as above but using dctcp. Note that fewer bytes are dropped
         (0.01% vs. 49%).
         Details for HBM in cgroup 1
         duration:4.9 secs
         pkts_marked_percent: 28.74
         bytes_marked_percent: 45.15
         pkts_dropped_percent:  0.01
         bytes_dropped_percent:  0.01
         PING AVG DELAY:2.083
    ./do_nrm_test.sh -d=1 -D --stats
         As first example, but without limiting loopback device (i.e. no
         "-l" flag). Since there is no bandwidth limiting, no details for
         HBM are printed out.
         Details for HBM in cgroup 1
         PING AVG DELAY:2.019
    ./do_hbm.sh -l -d=1 -D --stats -f=2
         Uses iper3 and does 2 flows
    ./do_hbm.sh -l -d=1 -D --stats -f=4 -P
         Uses iperf3 and does 4 flows, each flow as a separate process.
    ./do_hbm.sh -l -d=1 -D --stats -f=4 -N
         Uses netperf, 4 flows
    ./do_hbm.sh -f=1 -r=2000 -t=5 -N -D --stats dctcp -s=<server-name>
         Uses netperf between two hosts. The remote host name is specified
         with -s= and you need to start the program netserver manually on
         the remote host. It will use 1 flow, a rate limit of 2Gbps and dctcp.
    ./do_hbm.sh -f=1 -r=2000 -t=5 -N -D --stats -w dctcp \
         As previous, but allows use of extra bandwidth. For this test the
         rate is 8Gbps vs. 1Gbps of the previous test.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLawrence Brakmo <brakmo@fb.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexei Starovoitov <ast@kernel.org>
do_hbm_test.sh 11.9 KB