• Rafael J. Wysocki's avatar
    ACPI / hotplug: Do not execute "insert in progress" _OST · 176a88d7
    Rafael J. Wysocki authored
    According to the ACPI spec (5.0, Section 6.3.5), the "Device
    insertion in progress (pending)" (0x80) _OST status code is
    reserved for the "Insertion Processing" (0x200) source event
    which is "a result of an OSPM action".  Specifically, it is not
    a notification, so that status code should not be used during
    notification processing, which unfortunately is done by
    For this reason, drop the ACPI_OST_SC_INSERT_IN_PROGRESS _OST
    status evaluation from there (it was a mistake to put it in there
    in the first place).
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRafael J. Wysocki <rafael.j.wysocki@intel.com>
    Cc: All applicable <stable@vger.kernel.org>
scan.c 53.2 KB