• Marcelo Ricardo Leitner's avatar
    sctp: improve how SSN, TSN and ASCONF serial are compared · 182691d0
    Marcelo Ricardo Leitner authored
    Make it similar to time_before() macros:
    - easier to understand
    - make use of typecheck() to avoid working on unexpected variable types
      (made the issue on previous patch visible)
    - for _[lg]te versions, slighly faster, as the compiler used to generate
      a sequence of cmp/je/cmp/js instructions and now it's sub/test/jle
      (for _lte):
    Before, for sctp_outq_sack:
    	if (primary->cacc.changeover_active) {
        1f01:	80 b9 84 02 00 00 00 	cmpb   $0x0,0x284(%rcx)
        1f08:	74 6e                	je     1f78 <sctp_outq_sack+0xe8>
    		u8 clear_cycling = 0;
    		if (TSN_lte(primary->cacc.next_tsn_at_change, sack_ctsn)) {
        1f0a:	8b 81 80 02 00 00    	mov    0x280(%rcx),%eax
    	return ((s) - (t)) & TSN_SIGN_BIT;
    static inline int TSN_lte(__u32 s, __u32 t)
    	return ((s) == (t)) || (((s) - (t)) & TSN_SIGN_BIT);
        1f10:	8b 7d bc             	mov    -0x44(%rbp),%edi
        1f13:	39 c7                	cmp    %eax,%edi
        1f15:	74 25                	je     1f3c <sctp_outq_sack+0xac>
        1f17:	39 f8                	cmp    %edi,%eax
        1f19:	78 21                	js     1f3c <sctp_outq_sack+0xac>
    			primary->cacc.changeover_active = 0;
    	if (primary->cacc.changeover_active) {
        1ee7:	80 b9 84 02 00 00 00 	cmpb   $0x0,0x284(%rcx)
        1eee:	74 73                	je     1f63 <sctp_outq_sack+0xf3>
    		u8 clear_cycling = 0;
    		if (TSN_lte(primary->cacc.next_tsn_at_change, sack_ctsn)) {
        1ef0:	8b 81 80 02 00 00    	mov    0x280(%rcx),%eax
        1ef6:	2b 45 b4             	sub    -0x4c(%rbp),%eax
        1ef9:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
        1efb:	7e 26                	jle    1f23 <sctp_outq_sack+0xb3>
    			primary->cacc.changeover_active = 0;
    *_lt() generated pretty much the same code.
    Tested with gcc (GCC) 6.1.1 20160621.
    This patch also removes SSN_lte as it is not used and cleanups some
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMarcelo Ricardo Leitner <marcelo.leitner@gmail.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>
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