• Matthew Dharm's avatar
    [PATCH] test for media-change like "popular" OSes.. · 2494a44d
    Matthew Dharm authored
    This patch changes how media-change is detected to use a mechanism more
    similar to what 'popular' OSes use.
    The motive for this change is that more and more emulated-SCSI devices
    (sbp2, usb-storage, etc) don't support START_STOP unless they need it.
    Other OSes won't send a START_STOP unless the device reports NOT_READY,
    indicating that it needs an explicit command to start up.
    One could argue that these devices are out-of-spec, but they are so common
    that they basically define the de facto spec.
    Basically, any device that needs a START_STOP should still get it, but ones
    that don't need it won't.
sd.c 39.5 KB