• NeilBrown's avatar
    md/raid10: set dev_sectors properly when resizing devices in array. · 6508fdbf
    NeilBrown authored
    raid10 stores dev_sectors in 'conf' separately from the one in
    'mddev' because it can have a very significant effect on block
    addressing and so need to be updated carefully.
    However raid10_resize isn't updating it at all!
    To update it correctly, we need to make sure it is a proper
    multiple of the chunksize taking various details of the layout
    in to account.
    This calculation is currently done in setup_conf.   So split it
    out from there and call it from raid10_resize as well.
    Then set conf->dev_sectors properly.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarNeilBrown <neilb@suse.de>
raid10.c 96.3 KB