• Tomi Valkeinen's avatar
    drm/omap: HDMI: change enable/disable to avoid sync-losts · 4e4b53ce
    Tomi Valkeinen authored
    We occasionally see DISPC sync-lost errors when enabling and disabling
    HDMI. Sometimes we get only a few, which get handled (ignored) by the
    driver, but sometimes there's a flood of the errors which doesn't seem
    to stop.
    The HW team has root caused this to the order in which HDMI and DISPC
    are enabled/disabled. Currently we enable HDMI first, and then DISPC,
    and vice versa when disabling. HW team's suggestion is to do it the
    other way around.
    This patch changes the order, but this has two side effects as the pixel
    clock is produced by HDMI, and the clock is not running when we
    enable/disable DISPC:
    * When enabling DISPC first, we don't get vertical sync events
    * When disabling DISPC last, we don't get FRAMEDONE event
    At the moment we use both of those to verify that DISPC has been
    enabled/disabled properly. Thus this patch also needs to change the
    omapdrm and omapdss which handle the DISPC side.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen@ti.com>
    Acked-by: default avatarLaurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com>
omap_crtc.c 13.9 KB