• Avraham Stern's avatar
    cfg80211/nl80211: add a port authorized event · 503c1fb9
    Avraham Stern authored
    Add an event that indicates that a connection is authorized
    (i.e. the 4 way handshake was performed by the driver). This event
    should be sent by the driver after sending a connect/roamed event.
    This is useful for networks that require 802.1X authentication.
    In cases that the driver supports 4 way handshake offload, but the
    802.1X authentication is managed by user space, the driver needs to
    inform user space right after the 802.11 association was completed
    so user space can initialize its 802.1X state machine etc.
    However, it is also possible that the AP will choose to skip the
    802.1X authentication (e.g. when PMKSA caching is used) and proceed
    with the 4 way handshake immediately. In this case the driver needs
    to inform user space that 802.1X authentication is no longer required
    (e.g. to prevent user space from disconnecting since it did not get
    any EAPOLs from the AP).
    This is also useful for roaming, in which case it is possible that
    the driver used the Fast Transition protocol so 802.1X is not
    Since there will now be a dedicated notification indicating that the
    connection is authorized, the authorized flag can be removed from the
    roamed event. Drivers can send the new port authorized event right
    after sending the roamed event to indicate the new AP is already
    authorized. This therefore reserves the old PORT_AUTHORIZED attribute.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAvraham Stern <avraham.stern@intel.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
nl80211.c 404 KB