• James Bottomley's avatar
    From: James.Smart@Emulex.Com · 5c64e94a
    James Bottomley authored
    FC Remote Port Patch
    This is the reworked patch for fc_remote ports.
    It started with the "patch2" converted for scsi-misc-2.6 (and
    updated for the revised midlayer scsi target implementation)
    Incorporates Andrew Vasquez's updates
    Adds scsi target scanning on behalf of the driver based on
    addition of a per-host workq.
    This patch adds support for FC Remote Ports (which may or may not
    be FCP targets) to the fc transport. The attributes for the ports are
    in support of HBAAPI. This patch also implements consistent scsi target
    id bindings for the remote ports.
    This patch also moves the dev_loss attribute from the target-level
    fc_transport device to the remote port device. It also deletes the
    link_down attribute. The fc_target_block and fc_target_unblock
    routines have been replaced by fc_remote_port_block and
    fc_remote_port_unblock. The fc_host_block/unblock functions have
    been removed (unused).
    A new interface has been created - fc_remove_host(), which a driver
    must call immediately prior to scsi_remove_host() when unloading.
    This tears down the transport, starget, and sdev devices.
    The transport, which utilizes the midlayer mods to insert transport
    entities between the shost and starget, results in a device tree
    such as the following:
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJames Smart <james.smart@emulex.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJames Bottomley <James.Bottomley@SteelEye.com>
scsi_transport_fc.c 50.8 KB