• Ivan Djelic's avatar
    lib: add shared BCH ECC library · 437aa565
    Ivan Djelic authored
    This is a new software BCH encoding/decoding library, similar to the shared
    Reed-Solomon library.
    Binary BCH (Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem) codes are widely used to correct
    errors in NAND flash devices requiring more than 1-bit ecc correction; they
    are generally better suited for NAND flash than RS codes because NAND bit
    errors do not occur in bursts. Latest SLC NAND devices typically require at
    least 4-bit ecc protection per 512 bytes block.
    This library provides software encoding/decoding, but may also be used with
    ASIC/SoC hardware BCH engines to perform error correction. It is being
    currently used for this purpose on an OMAP3630 board (4bit/8bit HW BCH). It
    has also been used to decode raw dumps of NAND devices with on-die BCH ecc
    engines (e.g. Micron 4bit ecc SLC devices).
    Latest NAND devices (including SLC) can exhibit high error rates (typically
    a dozen or more bitflips per hour during stress tests); in order to
    minimize the performance impact of error correction, t...
bch.c 35.6 KB