• Markus Demleitner's avatar
    [PATCH] USB: Patch for DSBR-100 driver · 67deed36
    Markus Demleitner authored
    I since you are  listed as the maintainer of the USB subsystem and
    I can't really see who else applies, I'm sending you a patch to my
    driver for the DSBR-100 USB radio.  This is mainly code cosmetics
    (fixed ugly missing spaces after commas I inherited from the
    aztech driver, some constants moved to preprocessor symbols), but
    there's one technical change: I used to stop the radio when my
    file descriptor was closed.  Petr Slansky <slansky@usa.net>
    pointed out that the other radio drivers don't do that, so
    now I just let the radio run.
dsbr100.c 9.85 KB