• Andries E. Brouwer's avatar
    [PATCH] another keyboard problem solved · 907e4b7b
    Andries E. Brouwer authored
    A colleague reported that the keyboard of his brandnew laptop
    is dead under 2.6 while 2.4 works.
    Now I once wrote
      In order to avoid interference between scancode sequences
      or mouse packets and the reponses given to commands,
      the keyboard or mouse should always be disabled before
      giving a command that requires a response, and probably
      enabled afterwards. Some keyboards or mice do the disable
      automatically in this situation, but still require an
      explicit enable afterwards. 
    This is what happens on this laptop. The routine atkbd_probe()
    probes for a keyboard, and after detecting it, enables it.
    But immediately afterwards the routine atkbd_set_3() reads
    the current scancode set and sets the desired set, and as a
    side effect of these commands, the keyboard gets disabled again.
    Thus, the keyboard enable must be moved after all command sending
    has been done.
    Now that I patch this area anyway: we are almost always in
    scancode set 2 but send the ATKBD_CMD_SETALL_MB command
    that only works in scancode set 3. At best this is useless.
    At worst it confuses the keyboard. So, I put this command
    in a separate routine and call that only when we really
    are in scancode set 3.
atkbd.c 16.1 KB