• Jacob Keller's avatar
    ice: pass VSI pointer into ice_vc_isvalid_q_id · a2160599
    Jacob Keller authored
    The ice_vc_isvalid_q_id() function takes a VSI index and a queue ID. It
    looks up the VSI from its index, and then validates that the queue number
    is valid for that VSI.
    The VSI ID passed is typically a VSI index from the VF. This VSI number is
    validated by the PF to ensure that it matches the VSI associated with the
    VF already.
    In every flow where ice_vc_isvalid_q_id() is called, the PF driver already
    has a pointer to the VSI associated with the VF. This pointer is obtained
    using ice_get_vf_vsi(), rather than looking up the VSI using the index sent
    by the VF.
    Since we already know which VSI to operate on, we can modify
    ice_vc_isvalid_q_id() to take a VSI pointer instead of a VSI index. Pass
    the VSI we found from ice_get_vf_vsi() instead of re-doing the lookup. This
    removes some unnecessary computation and scanning of the VSI list.
    It also removes the last place where the driver directly used the VSI
    number from the VF. This will pave the way for refactoring to communicate
    relative VSI numbers to the VF instead of absolute numbers from the PF
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJacob Keller <jacob.e.keller@intel.com>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarPrzemek Kitszel <przemyslaw.kitszel@intel.com>
    Tested-by: default avatarRafal Romanowski <rafal.romanowski@intel.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTony Nguyen <anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com>
ice_virtchnl.c 117 KB