• David Jander's avatar
    pwm: pca9685: Disable unused alternative addresses · bce54366
    David Jander authored
    The PCA9685 supports listening to 1 or more alternative I2C chip addresses
    for some special features that this driver does not support.
    By default the LED ALLCALL address is active (default 0x70), which causes
    this chip to respond to address 0x70 in addition to its main address
    (0x41). This is not desireable if there is another device on the same bus
    that uses this address (like a TMP103 for example).
    Since this feature is not supported by this driver, it is best to disable
    these addresses in the chip to avoid unsuspected bus collisions.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Jander <david@protonic.nl>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarThierry Reding <thierry.reding@gmail.com>
pwm-pca9685.c 14.4 KB