• Linus Torvalds's avatar
    Linux 2.4.0-test9pre2 · ccb5ba85
    Linus Torvalds authored
        - scsi fixes
        - network updates
        - PCI bridge scanning fix: assign numbers properly
        - sparc updates
        - Riel VM update
        - disallow re-mounting same filesystem in same place multiple times.
          Too confusing. And /etc/mtab gets strange.
        - PPC updates (including PPC-related drivers etc)
        - more initcall updates
        - various net drvr updates and fixes
        - "extern inline" -> "static inline".  It doesn't matter right now,
          but it's proactive for future gcc versions.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
ChangeLog 6.82 KB