• Florian Echtler's avatar
    [PATCH] USB: add driver for the Siemens ID Mouse fingerprint sensor · 4b06f4a8
    Florian Echtler authored
    This patch adds a new usb-misc driver for the fingerprint sensor that
    can be found in the Siemens ID Mouse USB. "cat /dev/usb/idmouseX"
    yields a 225x288 greyscale PNM with the fingerprint information.
    It's now in version 0.5, which uses memcpy() instead of snprintf()
    and allows interruption of the image acquisition process, in case
    it should get stuck.
    It may be considered controversial that it outputs a PNM instead
    of raw data, but I hold the opinion that the 15 bytes of header,
    "P5 225 288 256 ", do not do any harm and allow the device to be
    used in shell scripts or similar, too.
    The setup packets are not described further, simply because I don"t
    know anything about them myself. We captured them under Windows
    using SnoopyPro.
    Please include this into the main USB kernel tree - I think it has
    by now been scrutinized and tested quite thoroughly.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarFlorian Echtler  <echtler@fs.tum.de>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndreas Deresch <aderesch@fs.tum.de>
Makefile 2.01 KB