• Bernhard Kohl's avatar
    target: Fix SPC-2 RELEASE bug for multi-session iSCSI client setups · edc318d9
    Bernhard Kohl authored
    This patch addresses a bug in a special case for target core SPC-2 RELEASE
    logic where the same physical client (eg: iSCSI InitiatorName) with
    differing iSCSI session identifiers (ISID) is allowed to incorrectly release
    the same client's SPC-2 reservation from the non reservation holding path.
    Note this bug is specific to iscsi-target w/ SPC-2 reservations, and
    with the default enforce_pr_isids=1 device attr setting in target-core
    controls if a InitiatorName + different ISID reservations are handled
    the same as a single iSCSI client entity.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBernhard Kohl <bernhard.kohl@gmx.net>
    Cc: <stable@vger.kernel.org>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarNicholas Bellinger <nab@linux-iscsi.org>
target_core_pr.c 132 KB