Commit 145d6e29 authored by Fugang Duan's avatar Fugang Duan Committed by David S. Miller

net: fec: avoid BD pointer type cast to 32bit

In aarch64 system, the BD pointer is 64bit, and the high-order 32-bits
of the address is effective, so replace usigned with (void *) type to
aovid 64bit address is casted to 32bit in .fec_enet_get_nextdesc() and
.fec_enet_get_prevdesc() functions.
Signed-off-by: default avatarFugang Duan <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <>
parent 61e04ccb
......@@ -235,14 +235,14 @@ static struct bufdesc *fec_enet_get_nextdesc(struct bufdesc *bdp,
struct bufdesc_prop *bd)
return (bdp >= bd->last) ? bd->base
: (struct bufdesc *)(((unsigned)bdp) + bd->dsize);
: (struct bufdesc *)(((void *)bdp) + bd->dsize);
static struct bufdesc *fec_enet_get_prevdesc(struct bufdesc *bdp,
struct bufdesc_prop *bd)
return (bdp <= bd->base) ? bd->last
: (struct bufdesc *)(((unsigned)bdp) - bd->dsize);
: (struct bufdesc *)(((void *)bdp) - bd->dsize);
static int fec_enet_get_bd_index(struct bufdesc *bdp,
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