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Commit 22a1279b authored by Luca Ceresoli's avatar Luca Ceresoli Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: rtl8188eu: fix comments over 80 characters

Signed-off-by: default avatarLuca Ceresoli <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 3446ef56
......@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ MODULE_VERSION(DRIVERVERSION);
static int rtw_chip_version;
static int rtw_rfintfs = HWPI;
static int rtw_lbkmode;/* RTL8712_AIR_TRX; */
static int rtw_network_mode = Ndis802_11IBSS;/* Ndis802_11Infrastructure; infra, ad-hoc, auto */
/* Ndis802_11Infrastructure; infra, ad-hoc, auto */
static int rtw_network_mode = Ndis802_11IBSS;
static int rtw_channel = 1;/* ad-hoc support requirement */
static int rtw_wireless_mode = WIRELESS_11BG_24N;
static int rtw_vrtl_carrier_sense = AUTO_VCS;
......@@ -81,21 +82,37 @@ static int rtw_uapsd_acvi_en;
static int rtw_uapsd_acvo_en;
static int rtw_ht_enable = 1;
static int rtw_cbw40_enable = 3; /* 0 :disable, bit(0): enable 2.4g, bit(1): enable 5g */
/* 0 :disable, bit(0): enable 2.4g, bit(1): enable 5g */
static int rtw_cbw40_enable = 3;
static int rtw_ampdu_enable = 1;/* for enable tx_ampdu */
static int rtw_rx_stbc = 1;/* 0: disable, bit(0):enable 2.4g, bit(1):enable 5g, default is set to enable 2.4GHZ for IOT issue with bufflao's AP at 5GHZ */
/* 0: disable
* bit(0):enable 2.4g
* bit(1):enable 5g
* default is set to enable 2.4GHZ for IOT issue with bufflao's AP at 5GHZ
static int rtw_rx_stbc = 1;
static int rtw_ampdu_amsdu;/* 0: disabled, 1:enabled, 2:auto */
static int rtw_lowrate_two_xmit = 1;/* Use 2 path Tx to transmit MCS0~7 and legacy mode */
/* Use 2 path Tx to transmit MCS0~7 and legacy mode */
static int rtw_lowrate_two_xmit = 1;
static int rtw_rf_config = RF_819X_MAX_TYPE; /* auto */
static int rtw_low_power;
static int rtw_wifi_spec;
static int rtw_channel_plan = RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MAX;
static int rtw_AcceptAddbaReq = true;/* 0:Reject AP's Add BA req, 1:Accept AP's Add BA req. */
/* 0:Reject AP's Add BA req, 1:Accept AP's Add BA req. */
static int rtw_AcceptAddbaReq = true;
static int rtw_antdiv_cfg = 2; /* 0:OFF , 1:ON, 2:decide by Efuse config */
static int rtw_antdiv_type; /* 0:decide by efuse 1: for 88EE, 1Tx and 1RxCG are diversity.(2 Ant with SPDT), 2: for 88EE, 1Tx and 2Rx are diversity.(2 Ant, Tx and RxCG are both on aux port, RxCS is on main port), 3: for 88EE, 1Tx and 1RxCG are fixed.(1Ant, Tx and RxCG are both on aux port) */
/* 0: decide by efuse
* 1: for 88EE, 1Tx and 1RxCG are diversity (2 Ant with SPDT)
* 2: for 88EE, 1Tx and 2Rx are diversity (2 Ant, Tx and RxCG are both on aux
* port, RxCS is on main port)
* 3: for 88EE, 1Tx and 1RxCG are fixed (1Ant, Tx and RxCG are both on aux port)
static int rtw_antdiv_type;
static int rtw_enusbss;/* 0:disable, 1:enable */
......@@ -117,7 +134,8 @@ static char *if2name = "wlan%d";
module_param(if2name, charp, 0644);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(if2name, "The default name to allocate for second interface");
char *rtw_initmac; /* temp mac address if users want to use instead of the mac address in Efuse */
/* temp mac address if users want to use instead of the mac address in Efuse */
char *rtw_initmac;
module_param(rtw_initmac, charp, 0644);
module_param(rtw_channel_plan, int, 0644);
......@@ -741,7 +759,8 @@ u32 rtw_start_drv_threads(struct adapter *padapter)
if (IS_ERR(padapter->cmdThread))
_status = _FAIL;
_rtw_down_sema(&padapter->cmdpriv.terminate_cmdthread_sema); /* wait for cmd_thread to run */
/* wait for cmd_thread to run */
return _status;
......@@ -931,7 +950,8 @@ u8 rtw_free_drv_sw(struct adapter *padapter)
_rtw_free_sta_priv(&padapter->stapriv); /* will free bcmc_stainfo here */
/* will free bcmc_stainfo here */
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