Commit 24a7dc6f authored by Dmitry Baryshkov's avatar Dmitry Baryshkov Committed by Jonathan Cameron

iio: adc: qcom-vadc-common: scale adcmap_100k_104ef_104fb

Scale adcmap_100k_104ef_104fb temp values by the factor of 1000 to
remove extra multiplication in qcom_vadc_scale_therm().
Signed-off-by: default avatarDmitry Baryshkov <>
Link: default avatarJonathan Cameron <>
parent 48d2e2ff
......@@ -23,40 +23,40 @@ struct vadc_map_pt {
/* Voltage to temperature */
static const struct vadc_map_pt adcmap_100k_104ef_104fb[] = {
{1758, -40},
{1742, -35},
{1719, -30},
{1691, -25},
{1654, -20},
{1608, -15},
{1551, -10},
{1483, -5},
{1404, 0},
{1315, 5},
{1218, 10},
{1114, 15},
{1007, 20},
{900, 25},
{795, 30},
{696, 35},
{605, 40},
{522, 45},
{448, 50},
{383, 55},
{327, 60},
{278, 65},
{237, 70},
{202, 75},
{172, 80},
{146, 85},
{125, 90},
{107, 95},
{92, 100},
{79, 105},
{68, 110},
{59, 115},
{51, 120},
{44, 125}
{1758, -40000 },
{1742, -35000 },
{1719, -30000 },
{1691, -25000 },
{1654, -20000 },
{1608, -15000 },
{1551, -10000 },
{1483, -5000 },
{1404, 0 },
{1315, 5000 },
{1218, 10000 },
{1114, 15000 },
{1007, 20000 },
{900, 25000 },
{795, 30000 },
{696, 35000 },
{605, 40000 },
{522, 45000 },
{448, 50000 },
{383, 55000 },
{327, 60000 },
{278, 65000 },
{237, 70000 },
{202, 75000 },
{172, 80000 },
{146, 85000 },
{125, 90000 },
{107, 95000 },
{92, 100000 },
{79, 105000 },
{68, 110000 },
{59, 115000 },
{51, 120000 },
{44, 125000 }
......@@ -418,8 +418,6 @@ static int qcom_vadc_scale_therm(const struct vadc_linear_graph *calib_graph,
if (ret)
return ret;
*result_mdec *= 1000;
return 0;
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